Eight years later, 1840,
Darby delivered a series of eleven lectures “on the hope of the church” in
Geneva, Switzerland, that laid foundations for Futurism and Dispensationalism
(of which Darby is considered the father), as well as for Restorationism, the idea
that the return of the “children of Israel” to Palestine was a sign of the End Times. His ideas were later popularized by turn-of-the-century
theologian Cyrus Scofield, whose annotated reference Bible was designed to lead
readers to the conclusions which he wanted them to make.
The problems with this
collection of fallacious misbeliefs are that (1) the idea of the so-called
“Rapture” is a fantasy, (2) the idea that the book of Revelation and the Mount Olivet discourse in Matthew, Mark, and Luke are about future events is
mistaken, (3) the idea that there are prophecies in the Old Testament still to
be fulfilled is a lie, (4) the idea that the return of the descendants of the 1st
century Jews to Palestine is a sign of the end is a fallacy based on fallacies (2)
and (3).
The Rapture
In essence, Darby
completely made up the Rapture. Steps
that led up to it, however, were made by others before him. The father and son theocratic despots of
Puritan New England, Increase and Cotton Mather first broached the idea of a
premillennial return of Jesus Christ, for example, and there were others. But it was Darby who formulated the final
fantasy. He based his newly conceived
doctrine on the passage in Paul’s 1
Thessalonians 4:13-18 –
But I
would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep,
that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose
again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the
Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not
prevent them which are asleep. For the
Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the
archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the
clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the
Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with
these words.
Providing as supporting
material from Paul’s 1 Corinthians 15:22-26
& 51-52 –
For as in
Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the
firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. Then cometh the end, when he shall have
delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down
all rule and all authority and power.
For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is
Behold, I
shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a
moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall
sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
All three of these
passages clearly refer to what Paul believes is going to happen after “the
Lord” returns, which in his day Christians expected imminently, adding the
Aramaic exhortation “Marantha!” (“Our Lord come!”) at the end of many of their prayers, especially
of the blessings at the end of the Eucharist, or Lord’s Supper (see the Didache).
Note the references to
“them that sleep” and to “the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death”,
which strike down two of the favorite fantasies of Christian
fundamentalists. First is the idea that
upon death, human souls go immediately to heaven or to hell. Christians in the Early Church clearly did
not believe this. Their idea was that
the dead would be raised after the Second Coming but only after every other
enemy had been defeated and all else accomplished, which also strikes down the
idea of a premillennial Rapture.
The last rules out the
kind of “pretribulation” Rapture which lies at the heart of fundamentalist
doctrine that appeared to Darby in his concussion-inspired epiphany and which
depends upon the idea that the Revelation
of John the Divine and the Olivet discourse are about future events.
The chief reason
fundamentalists and other evangelicals are so wild about the popular notion
that we are living in the End Times is because of this Rapture fantasy which
means they won’t die, a notion to which they cling tightly because of their
lack of faith in what they say they believe their god will do for them. Nowhere in the entire book of Revelation is
there anything to suggest that Christians have any more of a divine escape
hatch from the “Great Tribulation” than Jews had from the actual, entirely
man-made tribulation in the 1st century.
Revelation of John the Divine
Early Christians
interpreted Revelation for what it
was, an allegory meant to bring hope at a time of great suffering, the Domitian
persecutions near the end of the 1st century. The Eastern churches don’t even consider the
book fully canonical.
With the advent of the
Reformation, Protestants interpreted Revelations
as targeting Rome and its bishop. As
their propaganda became more and more widespread, a Jesuit priest, Manuel Lacunza,
wrote an apocalyptic work called The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and
Majesty, which was translated into
English by Scottish minister Edward Irving, later founder of the Catholic
Apostolic Church, in 1827. Irving later
became an associate of Darby.
because of their 1800-year divorce from Judaism, several features inside its
pages remain opaque to fundamentalists to this day even with all sorts of
knowledge at their fingertips.
instance, the meaning of the so-called “number of the beast” (666) on the heads
and hands of those who follow him is beyond their understanding because they have
no knowledge of the tefillin, once worn by male Jews on a daily basis. Tefillin, remember, are boxes with passages of
scripture (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Deuteronomy 11:13-21 ; Exodus 13:1-10; Exodus 13:11-16) written on parchment inside them. All of these passages refer to binding the
words as a sign on the hand and being frontlets between the eyes.
Roman wills were sealed
with seven seals.
Where do the seven years
of tribulation come from? From 66 CE
through the fall of the garrison at Masada in 73 CE, Palestine was rife with
conquest, war, famine, and plague during the Great Jewish Revolt, also known as
the First Jewish-Roman War, beginning with the initial uprising and capture of
the capital of Iudaea province Caesarea Maritimi thru the fall of Masada.
The Olivet discourse
The Olivet discourse in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21
clearly refers to the events of the afore-mentioned war. Regardless of how much John Darby, Cyrus
Scofield, Tim LeHaye, and John Hagee would like it to be otherwise.
The oldest of these
three contains the key passage which locates the events depicted, and is found
in Luke 21:20-24 –
When you see Jerusalem
being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near.
Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in
the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city.
For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all
that has been written. How dreadful it will be in those
days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! There will be great distress in
the land and wrath against this people. They will fall
by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will
be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are
Jerusalem was surrounded by armies in 70 CE, led by future emperor Titus
Flavius Caesar Vespasianus with (Jewish Alexandrian) former procurator of Judaea
and former prefect of Egypt Tiberius Julius Alexander as his second-in-command.
the city itself, the belligerents were divided among themselves and split into
factions, all opposed by the city population.
The first rebel group to appear was the Galilean Zealots led by John ben
Levi of Giscala, who took the Temple Mount for their own. The high priest, Ananus ben Ananus, rather
objected to being summarily dethroned and attacked after summoning reinforcements
from Idumeaa, descendants of Hyrcanus’ forced converts. John ben Levi’s priests died in the act of
sacrificing, and their blood mixing with that of the sacrifice is the source
for the anachronistic mention of the incident at the beginning of Luke
13. However, John ben Levi’s forces
proved triumphant when Ananus died in the attack.
wasn’t long before the other major rebels groups began to gather in. Eleazar ben Simon brought in his Zealots from
Judaea while Simon bar Giora led the Sicarii into the city as the chief priest
Matthias took control of the 6000 Idumaeans.
What resulted was a four-way civil war, the two Zealot factions from Galilee
and Judea not letting a little thing like a common ideology get in the way of
their infighting.
the midst of all this, the Roman army showed up and surrounded the city for a
long siege. The Sicarii did the logical
thing, to them anyway, and burned the city’s food stores in an attempt to force
the population to fight. The nascent
Christian movement’s adherents had by this time long fled the vicinity, taking
refuge in Petra, then capital of Nabataea and currently UNESCO World Heritage
Site and Wonder of the World.
spite of the sudden unity among the previous antagonists, the city fell in
August of 70 CE, and all that remained was mopping up. The Essene center at Qumran had been
destroyed in about 68 CE, and the Samaritan city of Sebaste (formerly Samaria)
along with the temple at Shechem on Mount Gerizim in 69 CE, the Samaritans
having joined the rebellion in its second year.
rebels who were not crucified were deported to North Africa, where they became
the founders of the Maghrebim.
Olivet discourse in Luke could likely be a gospel version of the “prophecies”
in Daniel, written after the events and interpolated into Luke to give more
credibility to the purported speaker (Jesus bar Joses, in this case). However, it would not have been too difficult
for an honest and insightful observer to discern a future Jewish rebellion and
its likely outcome, just as I predicted in 1987 the fall of the Iron Curtain
and the break-up of the Soviet Union.
contrast to this portion of the passage in Luke, Matthew 24:15-22
(Mark 13:14-20 is virtually identical) has at this point –
When ye therefore shall
see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in
the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into
the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing
out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his
clothes. And woe unto them that are with
child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the
winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such
as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall
be. And except those days should be
shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days
shall be shortened.
the author(s) are aiming at a broader, more universal audience, and therein
lies the problem, because in so doing they make a serious historical error no
Jew in 1st century Judea or from 1st century Galilee
would have made. For the “abomination of
desolation” mentioned here took place almost two centuries prior to when this
speech is supposed to have been made, when Antiochus IV of the Seleucid Empire was returning from Egypt and passed through the region.
Old Testament prophecy
prophecies in what Jews call the Tanakh and Christians the Old Testament, none
ever recognized by Sadducees or ancient times nor by the Samaritans even today
(though they do have a version of Joshua, which they emphatically do not
consider scripture), were written by Jews for Jews intended for those living at
the time or in the immediate future. The
Jewish version of these books differs from that of Christians in its
organization and the fact that Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and
Kings are considered to be of the Nevi’im (Prophets) and pseudepigraphal
Daniel, beloved by so many in the fundamentalist and evangelical
community, is placed among the Ketuvim, or Writings.
being pseudepigraphal, Daniel was written in the 2nd century
(probably by the same author who wrote 1 Maccabees), AFTER many of the
vents about which it purports to prophesy, such as the “abomination of
desolation”. That spurious incident, in
which Antiochus IV is alleged to have set up a statue of Zeus in the Jerusalem
temple’s Holy of Holies, was invented to incite Jews to anger against the
enemies of the Hasmonean future dynasts and tyrants by a Jewish priesthood
unhappy about being taxed.
all John Darby’s sins, the one which has inflicted to greatest extent of
suffering and conflict is his new idea that the unfulfilled prophecies of the
return of all the Twelve Tribes of Israel to the Holy Land given to the descendants
of the mythical Jacob (son of the also mythical Isaac, son of the even more
mythical Abraham) would be fulfilled in the future and would be a sign of the
imminent Second Coming of the Lord and Savior identified as Jesus Christ,
fictionalized version of itinerate Galilean prophet Jesus bar Joses.
I said before, this idea was built atop the fallacies that Old Testament
prophecy unfulfilled means yet to be fulfilled rather than mistaken and that Revelation
and the Olivet discourse are prophecy rather than allegory. In the early 19th century, the
idea of returning to Palestine was anathema to most Orthodox Jews.
innovation, Christian Restorationism, led to Jewish Zionism, which led to
Jewish immigration to Ottoman Palestine, which led Theodor Herzl to found the
World Zionist Organization, which led to civil war between native Arabs and
immigrant Jews in Mandate Palestine, which led to the Nakba and the racist, sectarian,
Euro-colonialist State of Israel, which led to much of the strife and turmoil
in the world today, particularly in Southwest Asia, which led to Christian
Zionism, particularly among American fundamentalist and evangelical Christian
Dominionists trying to push their God into bringing about the Second Coming of
their Lord and Savior like the Sicarii trying to push the people of Jerusalem
into fighting by burning their food stores in 70 CE the same way the Dominionists
are ignoring global warming because the end is coming soon.
agree that the end is soon, but the end is going to be of their old and
outdated superstitious, fractious, avaricious, overly ambitious plans for the
world, my Terra, my home, and all my brothers, sisters, and cousins.
Darby probably had good intentions when he had his epiphany, but if he did,
those are certainly the kind of intentions with which the road to hell is
paved. Well, if there were a hell, and a God to send people there.
I really was intrigued by the depth to which you associate John Nelson Darby with the modern evangelic -dooms-day theology we see inherent in so much of the modern Christian dogma.
I do wish that you had left citations where you elaborate on the life of Darby.
I am considering an in depth video expose on the modern "dooms-day" church and how most of its ideas can be traced back to Darby.
Thank you,
Theo, I look forward to seeing the docu-vid if you make it.
I grew up in Darby's Brethren group. Many people I knew, including my parents and grandparent's had a framed photo of Darby somewhere in the house. The man was a charismatic leader, dogmatic and intolerant. Just how hard did he hit his head on that rock? I wish he'd hit it harder. He was responsible for a good deal of my personal misery a century after his death. My gr. grandfather met him and that conferred a kind of holiness on my family. He is seen as an undeclared pope in the brethren. Crazy people following a concussed leader.
[Just saw this shocking claim on the web!:]
John Nelson Darby is not the 'father of dispensationalism' (the favorite feature of which is an imminent pretrib rapture)!...Incredibly, Darby wasn't first or original with any aspect of the same system including this bedrock known today as the church/Israel dichotomy!...Darby's own words at the time prove that he was posttrib from 1827 through 1838 and that he had no clear pretrib teaching before 1839 - nine years after Irving and his group had begun the clear teaching of it [in 1830]....After Darby's death in 1882, one of his influential disciples wrote and published a series of articles in his own journal supposedly detailing the history of the Irvingites as well as that of his own group, the Darbyist Brethren. His aim was to give Darby lasting fame. He accomplished this by furtively adding, subtracting, and changing many words in the earliest, hard-to-locate "rapture" documents - Irvingite as well as Brethren - thus giving the false impression that Irving and his followers had not been first to teach pretrib dispensationalism. By dishonestly covering up and eliminating the Irvingites who truly had been the first in everything, he was able to deceitfully and wrongfully elevate Darby as the "father of pretrib rapture dispensationalism"!
[To see all of this explosive article, which names all the names and dates in this long-covered-up fraud, Google "John Darby Did Not Invent the Rapture - by Dave MacPherson (March 19, 2015)"]
I grew up with a female model of supernatural ideas of her own. The now deceased Ellen G. White...the false prophetess of the Seventh day Advrntist. I now attend Assembly of God and they share the Rapture. I can't wrap my mind around that... Thanks for clarifying the beginning of it. By the way EGWhite was hit beyween the eyes with a rock as a young teen and upon that failed visions and prophecies were adopted. I study the bible, rightly dividing the Word of truth.
Genesis 49:17
King James Version
17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.
John Nelson Darby, the father of modern dispensationalism & the pre trib rapture heresy fell from a horse and was seriously injured. During his recovery is when he developed his doctrine of devils that claims the church is separate from Israel thereby creating the new testament tribe of Dan.
The OT Danites rejected their allotment of land within Israel because their "coasts went out too little for them" (Joshua 19:47). They wanted more room to roam. So they moved north & physically conquered Laish/Leshem (Judges 18). Laish/Leshem was a land of immigrants. It was quiet, secure, large, careless (lukewarm like Laodicea), lawless and was a land of plenty with no need of anything (like Laodicea).
Remember what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10? The things in the OT serve as examples for us today. The NT Danites (dispensationalists) have rejected their allotment within the Israel of God (Galatians 6:15-16) by insisting that the church is separate from Israel. They do so because the law of God makes their "coasts go out too little for them". They want room to roam just as their OT brethren did.
The NT Danites have spiritually conquered America thru their doctrines. America is identical to Laish/Leshem. America is large, quiet, secure, careless (lukewarm like Laodicea) plentiful with no need of anything (like Laodicea) and because of the NT Danites doctrines, American religion has mostly become lawless and has spilled over into the culture at large.
In Revelation 7 Dan has no inheritance (salvation). That's because in order to teach or believe or evangelize from a dispensational viewpoint, one must violate the commands given in Revelation 22:18-19. These verses pronounce curses upon all who add or take away from the Book. One of these curses promises removal of their part from the book of life. The modern Danites (dispensationalists) take away Matthew 24, Mark 13, and 19 chapters of Revelation and just throw them in the proverbial trash can in relation to church application.
It's also interesting to note that the Danites are numerically connected to 666 throughout the OT & NT. The Danite prophecy in Genesis 49:17 is tied to 666. Genesis has a cumulative alphabetic value of 78. G = 7th letter, E = 5th, N = 14th, E = 5th, S = 19th, I = 9th, S = 19th....78 total. 7+8 = 15...1+5 = 6. chapter 49 verse 17...49+17 = 66...3 6's tied to Dan. The Danites conquest of Laish is mentioned in Joshua 19:47 & Judges 18. Joshua is a 6 letter word. 19+47 = 66 so that's 666 associated with Dan. And Judges 18...Judges is a 6 letter word & has a cumulative alphabetic value of 66. J = 10th letter, U = 21st, D = 4th, G = 7, E = 5th, S = 19th. Add them & you get 66...in a 6 letter word...666. Chapter 18 of Judges...18 = 6+6+6...tied to Dan yet again.
And in the NT, the Danites & their pre trib rapture heresy & the consequences of it (false converts who fall away & betray the true brethren) are also tied numerically to the mark of the beast. The seeds on the rocks produce plants that wither & become offended in tribulation & persecution. These seeds are mentioned in Matthew 13:5 & Luke 8:6. Matthew 13:5...13+5 = 18 = 6+6+6. Luke 8:6...Luke is a 4 letter word so 4+8+6 = 18 = 6+6+6. And lastly, in Matthew 24:48 we read about the evil servant who expects an early arrival (pre trib/mid trib) of the Lord and when it does not happen he turns on his fellow servants and eats & drinks with sinners. If he is eating & drinking with sinners at this point in history he will have
Flee the heresies of the Danites while you still can.
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