28 February 2018

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, a Chronology of the TV Series and its Relaunch in novels

This is my chronology for the best TV series of the Star Trek Universe, including episodes of its predecessors (some in ‘virtual’ rather than ‘real’ time) which give some background for the story and its Relaunch in books, comics, and ebooks after the series ended.

This chronology is Deep Space Nine-centric, though there are entries from other series and miniseries even in the Relaunch section.

ST COE = Star Trek: Corps of Engineers (continuation of ST SCE)
ST DS9/ST:DS9 = Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
ST DTI = Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations
ST ENT/ST:ENT = Star Trek: Enterprise
ST GKN = Star Trek: Gorkon
ST KE = Star Trek: Klingon Empire (continuation of ST GKN)
ST MU = Star Trek: Mirror Universe
ST NE = Star Trek: New Earth
ST NF = Star Trek: New Frontier
ST SCE = Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers
ST TNG/ST:TNG = Star Trek: The Next Generation
ST TOS/ST:TOS = Star Trek: The Original Series
ST VAN = Star Trek: Vanguard
ST VOY/ST:VOY = Star Trek: Voyager



Star Trek: The Brave and the Bold, Prelude - “Discovery”
         (crossover story that finishes in the Relaunch era: CAPT Jonathan Archer of UES Enterprise discovers the existence of the Malkus Artifacts; time is shortly before ST:ENT’s s01e08 “Breaking the Ice”)


ST:ENT s04e04 “Borderland” (1/3)
ST:ENT s04e05 “Cold Station 12” (2/3)
ST:ENT s04e06 “The Augments” (3/3)
         (features Augments, Arik Soong)

ST:ENT s04e15 “Affliction” (1/2)
ST:ENT s04e16 “Divergence” (2/2)
            (how Klingons lost their ridges, leaving the race divided between HemQuch, or ‘Imperial’, and QuchHa’, or ‘Unhappy Ones’, terms introduced in Star Trek Excelsior: Forged in Fire, in RT, and in Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins  - “Wrath: The Unhappy Ones” in virtual time)


ST:ENT S04E18E19 “In a Mirror Darkly” 
            (first, in virtual time, of Mirror Universe)



Star Trek: The Brave and the Bold, Part 1 - “The First Artifact”
         (features CAPT James T. Kirk and USS Enterprise, COMO Matthew Decker and USS Constellation; after ST:TOS s01e04 “Charlie X”)

ST:TOS s01e14 “Balance of Terror”
         (introduces the Romulans)


ST:TOS s01e22 “Space Seed”
         (first in real-time of Khan Noonien Singh and the Augments)

ST:TOS s01e27 Errand of Mercy
            (features Kor)

ST:TOS s02e04 “Mirror, Mirror”
            (first, in real time, of the Mirror Universe)

ST:TOS s02e11 “Friday’s Child”
         (origin story of Leonard James Akaar)


ST:TOS s02e13 The Trouble with Tribbles” 
            (features Koloth, Tribbles)

ST:TOS s03e02 “The Enterprise Incident”
         (Romulans again, this time with personal interaction)

Star Trek: The Badlands, Part I
         (USS Enterprise chases a smuggler into the Badlands; shortly after ST:TOS s03e10 “For the World is Hollow, and I Have Touched the Sky”)

Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins  - “Wrath: The Unhappy Ones”
         (features Kor, Koloth, and Kang just before “Day of the Dove”; explores the divide between HemQuch and QuchHa’)

ST:TOS s03e07 Day of the Dove
            (features Kang)

ST:TOS s03e09 “The Tholian Web”
        (features USS Defiant, NCC-1764)


The Star Trek: Vanguard series is about Space Station 47 in the Taurus Reach, with the central mystery throughout being the Shedai Meta-genome that later plays such a huge part in a story arc that runs throughout the Star Trek Relaunch, especially in the DS9 Relaunch.  The Starfleet Intelligence colleague of both Elias Vaughn and Ruriko Tenmei, T’Prynn, for whom they named their daughter Prynn, plays a large role throughout the miniseries.

The series, composed of eight novels and one anthology of four novellas, takes place concurrently with the run of TOS and it is simpler to present it separately.


ST VAN: Harbinger – “Prologue”
         (COMO Matthew Decker and the USS Constellation discover, via science officer LT Guillermo Masada, the Shedai meta-genome in the Taurus Reach)


ST VAN: Declassified - Almost Tomorrow
         (takes place early in the year, while Station 47, aka ‘Vanguard’, is finished being built in the Taurus Reach, an area in between Klingon and Tholian space)

ST COE: Distant Early Warning
         (following 2263 discoveries by USS Constellation under COMO Matt Decker in the Taurus Reach, SCE fast-tracks construction there of Station 47, aka ‘Vanguard’ by sending the USS Lovell)

(the first three ST VAN full novels take place between ST:TOS s01e01 “Where No Man Has Gone Before” and s01e02 “The Corbomite Maneuver”)

ST VAN: Harbinger
         (returning from the edge of the galaxy, Kirk brings the Enterprise to Vanguard, curious about why it’s being built there; the region also draws the attention of the Klingons, the Orions, and the Tholians; USS Bombay is destroyed in an encounter with six Tholian vessels)

ST VAN: Summon the Thunder
         (while examining ancient structures on the planet Erilon, the crew of USS Endeavor accidentally awakens the noncorporeal Shedai female known as the Wanderer; Starfleet Intelligence operative T’Prynn turns her lover ‘Anna Sandesjo’—in reality a surgically altered Klingon deepcover spy named Lural—into a double agent)


ST VAN: Reap the Whirlwind
         (driven from Erilon, the Wanderer retreats to the fourth planet of the Jinoteur system and awakens her fellow Shedai; COMO Diego Reyes of Vanguard dispatches USS Sagitarrius to Jinoteur; USS Lovell and its SCE crew are on Gamma Taura IV helping to establish a colony; chaos erupts further with the Klingons and awakened Shedai engaging in a three-way battle with Starfleet; COMO Reyes is arrested on charges of treason)

ST VAN: Declassified - Hard News
         (featuring CAPT James T. Kirk and the USS Enterprise, COMO Matthew Decker and the USS Constellation; shortly after ST:TOS s01e07 “Charlie X”)


ST VAN: Open Secrets
         (matters in the Taurus Reach seriously deteriorate, with COMO Reyes awaiting trial and T’Prynn in a coma; events have attracted the attention of Dr. Carol Marcus; LT Ming Xiong finds Mirdonyae Artifact, which may help help him decode the meta-genome; Starfleet sends RADM Heihachiro Nogura to replace Reyes; from after  ST:TOS s01e02 “The Corbomite Maneuver”, ending simultaneously with ST:TOS s01e27  “Errand of Mercy”)

ST VAN: Precipice
         (Starfleet Intelligence agent Cervantes Quinn finds an ancient Shedai conduit on a post-apocalyptic world, but the Klingons found it first and brought an army; FNS reporter Pennington answers a call for help and ends up stalking the Orions with T’Prynn; Klingon Councilor Gorkon arranges Reyes’ kidnapping; Dr. Marcus and LT Ming try to decipher the artifact; after ST:TOS s01e12 “The Conscience of the King”, ending two weeks after its s02e16 “A Private Little War”)

ST TOS: Harm’s Way
         (set five days after ST:TOS Season 2, Episode 6, “The Doomsday Machine”, Kirk and the Enterprise reenter the Taurus Reach in search of a missing scientist and get caught between the Klingons and Starfleet’s Operation: Vanguard)


ST VAN: Declassified - The Ruins of Noble Men
         (Vanguard repairs and rebuilds; Ezekial Fisher privately celebrates that Reyes is alive; RADM Nogura encourages colonists on Kadru to evacuate; JAG officer CAPT Rana Desai requests a transfer to Earth; just days after Precipice ends)

ST VAN: Declassified - The Stars Look Down
         (Starfleet Intelligence operatives Bridy Mac and Quinn go on several missions, the last of which ends with the death of Bridy Mac; between ST:TOS s02e17 “The Gamesters of Triskelion” and its s02e18 “Obsession”)

ST VAN: What Judgments Come
         (as the Taurus Reach erupts into full-blown chaos, with all the Shedai awake and on the rampage, Ambassador Jetanien and his Klingon and Romulan counterparts meet on the ‘Planet of Galactic Peace’; meanwhile Reyes, the only person in Starfleet who can find an ancient weapon to defeat the Shedai, is trapped on an Orion ship; begins just after ST:TOS s03e01 “Spectre of the Gun” and ends three weeks before its s03e09 “The Tholian Web”, or right after s03e05 “And the Children Shall Lead”)

ST VAN: Storming Heaven
         (ADM Nogura sends the USS Endeavor to look for the weapon to destroy the Shedai; Tholian Assembly sends a fleet to destory Vanguard; Councilor Gorkon fights to expose a Romular plot to turn Klingon officials; one of those, Duras, becomes an agent of the Tal Shiar; Vanguard is destroyed by the Tholian armada; Enterprise is involved in its defense; between ST:TOS s03e16 “Whom Gods Destroy” and its s03e18 “The Lights of Zetar”)


ST VAN: In Tempest’s Wake
         (RADM Nogura debriefs Kirk on the events that led to the destruction of Vanguard; the story of Enterprise’s crew is told in flashbacks; in an epilogue two years later, Nogura and Kirk bury all information on Operation Vanguard, especially about the meta-genome, deep in Starfleet Archives; takes place five days after the destruction of Vanguard Space Station)


(Not entirely canon, but the characters are all voiced by the actors reprising their roles on TOS)


ST:TAS s01e05 “More Troubles, More Tribbles”
         (features Koloth)

ST:TAS s01e12 “The Time Trap”
         (features Kor)



Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
         (sequel to “Space Seed”; first of the Genesis Trilogy)

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
         (second of the Genesis Trilogy)


Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
         (third of the Genesis Trilogy)


Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
         (peace between UFP and the Klingon Empire)


(ST TLE = Star Trek: The Lost Era; ST TN = Star Trek: Terok Nor)


Star Trek Excelsior: Forged in Fire
         (Klingon captains Kor, Koloth, and Kang, along with Ambassador Sarek’s assistant Curzon Dax, pursue Qagh the Albino after he bombs a peace conference between the UFP and the Klingon Empire, with USS Excelsior unders its first officer CMDR Hikaru Sulu joining them later against direct orders)


Five years after the events of Forged in Fire, the Albino poisons the children of the four captains with concoction including the Omega IV virus, which only Demora Sulu survives because she inherited immunity to Omega IV from her father (ST:TOS “The Omega Glory”)


ST TOS: Cast No Shadow, by James Swallow
         (LT Elias Vaughn joins CAPT Sulu of USS Excelsior and his senior Starfleet Intelligence operative Darius Miller after discovering a connection between the destruction of the station coordinating UFP’s relief efforts with the Klingon Empire and Chancellor Gorkon’s assassination, later joined by former Starfleet officer Valeris and Klingon Imperial Intelligence officer Kaj)


ST TN: Day of the Vipers 2318-2328
         (The story of how a seemingly benign visitation of the resource-poor Cardassia to the endowed Bajor ends up with the planet being occupied by theh Cardassia military in ten years through the connivance of the Obsidian Order and, unknowingly, by believers of the Oralian Way, who when their usefulness has ended are purged; major Bajoran characters include Darrah Mace, Jaz Holza, Gar Olsen, Kubus Oak, and Jaro Essa; major Cardassian characters include Bennek of the Oralians, Skrain Dukat, Danig Kell, Kotan Pa’Dar, and Rhan Ico)


ST TLE: The Art of the Impossible
         (Ambassador Curzon Dax, LT Elias Vaughn of Starfleet Special Operations, Klingon conflicts with both Romulans and Cardassians, Betreka Nebula Incident, Battle of Narendra III, Khitomer Massacre)


ST TN: Night of the Wolves
         (18 years into the occupation, its state-of-the-(Cardassian)art space station orbits Bajor; features Darrah Mace, Kira Meru, Kira Nerys, Skrain Dukat, Opaka Sulan, Lenaris Holem, Shakaar Edon, Winn Adami, Corat Dumar, Elim Garak, Kotan Pa’Dar, Lupaza, Furel, Ro Laren, Kubus Oak, Tora Naprem, Natima Lang, among others)


ST TLE: Catalyst of Sorrows
         (Zetha, a Romulan agent of the Tal Shiar, crosses the Neutral Zone to seek help from the UFP with a deadly plague that has made a reappearance; ADM Nyota Uhura, chief of Starfleet Intelligence, must evaluate her veracity; also features LT Benjamin Sisko, Curzon Dax, Beverly Crusher, Boothby, Koval, Pardek, and Leonard McCoy, among others)


Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins  - “The Slow Knife”
         (Cardassians, facing the USS Rutledge during the time Miles O’Brien served aboard her)



ST:TNG s01e25 “Conspiracy”
         (introduces the bluegill parasites who play a big part in Season 8 of the ST:DS9 Relaunch)


ST:TNG s02e08 “A Matter of Honor”
        (Riker aboard IKS Pagh; introduces Klag)

ST:TNG s02e11 Contagion
            (features the Iconian gateways seen in ST:DS9 s04e23 To The Death” and in the relaunch era Gateways Crisis)

ST:TNG s02e20 “The Emissary”
            (features Worf, K’Ehleyr, and Alexander)


ST TNG Double Helix: Vectors
         (Dr. Katherine Pulaski must work with Gul Dukat and, secretly, with resistance fighter Kira Nerys, to stop a deadly plague on Terok Nor)

ST:TNG s03e05 “The Bonding”
         (Worf adopts Jeremy Aster into the House of Mogh)

ST:TNG s03e15 “Yesterday’s Enterprise”
         (features the Battle of Narenda III thru a temporal rift)

Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins – “Lust: Freedom Angst”
         (features mirror Benjamin Sisko begins working for Intendent Kira Nerys of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance’s station Terok Nor; Janel’s death here conflicts with events in “Saturn’s Children”)

ST:TNG s03e17 “The Sins of the Father”
            (features Worf, Kurn, and Duras)

ST:TNG s03e19 “Captain’s Holiday”
         (introduces Vash)


ST:TNG s03e25s04e01 “The Best of Both Worlds
            (features Borg invasion of Sector 001 and Battle of Wolf 359)

ST:TNG s04e02 “Family”
            (features Sergey and Helena Rozhenko)

ST:TNG s04E07 “Reunion” 
            (deaths of K’Ehleyr & Duras, ascension of Gowron)

ST:TNG s04e012 “The Wounded”
            (features CAPT Maxwell, Gul Macet, introduces the Cardassians)

ST:TNG s04e20 “Qpid”
         (features Q & Vash)


ST:TNG s04e26s05e01 “Redemption” 
            (Klingon Civil War between the Houses of Gowron and of Duras)

ST:TNG s05e03 “Ensign Ro”
            (introduces the Bajorans and Ro Laren)

Star Trek: The Badlands, Part II
         (USS Enterprise-D finds itself in the Badlands on a mission of vital importance to UFP-Cardassian Union relations)

ST:TNG s05e07e08 “Unification”
         (features the Romulan Unification Movement, which plays a part in some of the relaunch novels; also, Spock)


ST:TNG s06e04 “Relics”
         (CMDR Scott freed from transporter loop after 75 years)

ST:TNG s06e10e11 “The Chain of Command”
            (end of the Federation-Cardassian War)

ST TN: Dawn of the Eagles 2360-2369
         (tells of the final years leading up to the fall of the Cardassian Occupation, featuring Mora Pol, Odo, Skrain Dukat, Kira Nerys, Crell Moset, Kai Opaka Sulan, the Shakaar resistance cell, Jas Holza, arms dealer Hagath, Oralian survivors, and Starfleet Special Operations officer Elias Vaughn)

ST TNG: Pliable Truths
         (shortly after Starfleet twarts an attack against a UFP planetary system, Cardassia decides to pull out of Bajor; Picard and Enterprise are dispatched to Terok Nor to negotiate with Cardassian withdrawal from Bajor and the station; Ensign Ro receives a message from a friend thought dead from inside Cardassian space with information that could reignite the war)


The episodes of the greatest incarnation of the Star Trek franchise, with the episodes of the core series, crossover episodes with Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyagerplus a few stories from the expanded universe tied to the Relaunch.

Season 1

ST:DS9 s01e01e02 “Emissary”
ST:DS9 s01e03 “Past Prologue”
ST:DS9 s01e04 “A Man Alone”
ST:DS9 s01e05 “Babel”
ST:DS9 s01e06 “Captive Pursuit”
ST:DS9 s01e07 “Q-Less”
ST:DS9 s01e08 “Dax”
ST:DS9 s01e09 “The Passenger”
ST:DS9 s01e10 “Move Along Home”

ST:TNG s06e16e17 “Birthright”
            (USS Enterprise-D visit to DS9; Worf learns his father died in battle)

ST:DS9 s01e11 “The Nagus”
ST:DS9 s01e12 “Vortex”
ST:DS9 s01e13 “Battle Lines”

ST:TNG s06e20 “The Chase”
         (features the Progenitors, with a hologram Salome Jens)

ST:DS9 s01e14 “The Storyteller”
ST:DS9 s01e15 “Progress”
ST:DS9 s01e16 “If Wishes Were Horses”

ST:TNG s06e23 “Rightful Heir”
            (Worf discovers clone of Kahless on Boreth)

ST:DS9 s01e17 “The Forsaken”

ST:TNG s06e24 “Second Chances”
            (first appearance of Tom Riker)

ST:DS9 s01e18 “Dramatis Personae”
ST:DS9 s01e19 “Duet”
ST:DS9 s01e20 “In the Hands of the Prophets”


Season 2

ST:DS9 s02e01 “Homecoming” (1/3)
ST:DS9 s02e02 “The Circle” (2/3)
ST:DS9 s02e03 “The Siege” (3/3)
ST:DS9 s02e04 “Invasive Procedures”
ST:DS9 s02e05 “Cardassians”
ST:DS9 s02e06 “Melora”
ST:DS9 s02e07 “Rules of Acquisition”
ST:DS9 s02e08 “Necessary Evil”
ST:DS9 s02e09 “Second Sight”
ST:DS9 s02e10 “Sanctuary”

ST:TNG “Parallels”
         (Worf finds himself jumping between different parallel universes of which only he is aware of the difference of, and must determine the cause after the realities start to merge together)

ST:DS9 s02e11 “Rivals”
ST:DS9 s02e12 “The Alternate”

ST:TNG s07e13 “Homeward”
             (features Worfs human brother Nikolai Rozhenko)

ST:DS9 s02e13 “Armageddon Game”
ST:DS9 s02e14 “Whispers”

ST:TNG s07e15 “Lower Decks”
            (Bajoran junior officer dies on covert mission to Cardassian space)

ST:DS9 s02e15 “Paradise”
ST:DS9 s02e16 “Shadowplay”
ST:DS9 s02e17 “Playing God”
ST:DS9 s02e18 “Profit and Losse”
ST:DS9 s02e19 “Blood Oath”

ST:TNG s07e20 “Journey’s End”
            (creation of the DMZ between Cardassia and Bajor)

ST:DS9 s02e20e21 “The Maquis”

ST:TNG s07e21 “Firstborn”
            (foreshadowing of Alexander’s future; Quark provides intel)

ST:DS9 s02e22 “The Wire”
ST:DS9 s02e23 “Crossover”

ST:TNG s07e24 “Preemptive Strike”
            (Ro goes rogue, joins the Maquis)

ST:DS9 s02e24 “The Collaborator”
ST:DS9 s02e25 “Tribunal”

Star Trek: The Brave and the Bold, Part 2 - The Second Artifact
         (Deep Space 9 and USS Odyssey)

ST:DS9 s02e25 “The Jem’Hadar”


Season 3

ST:DS9 s03e01e02 “The Search”
ST:DS9 s03e03 “The House of Quark”
ST:DS9 s03e04 “Equilibrium”
ST:DS9 s03e05 “Second Skin”

Star Trek: The Brave and the Bold, Part 3 - The Third Artifact
         (USS Voyager; explains Tuvok’s infiltration of the Maquis)

ST:DS9 s03e06 “The Abandoned”
ST:DS9 s03e07 “Civil Defense”
ST:DS9 s03e08 “Meridian”
ST:DS9 s03e09 “Defiant”

ST TNG: Double Helix – Quarantine
         (USS Voyager chases the Maquis ship Val Jean into the Badlands and calculates that the unusualy distrubance aggravating the already hazardous conditions is an artificial quantum singularity, or AQS)

ST:DS9 s03e10 “Fascination”
ST:DS9 s03e11e12 “Past Tense”

ST:VOY s01e01e02 “Caretaker”
            (USS Voyager departs DS9 into the Badlands)

ST:DS9 s03e13 “Life Support”
ST:DS9 s03e14 “Heart of Stone”
ST:DS9 s03e15 “Destiny”
ST:DS9 s03e16 “Prophet Motive”
ST:DS9 s03e17 “Visionary”
ST:DS9 s03e18 “Distant Voices”
ST:DS9 s03e19 “Through the Looking Glass”
ST:DS9 s03e20 “Improbable Cause” (1/2)
ST:DS9 s03e21 “The Die is Cast” (2/2)

Star Trek: Generations
            (deaths of James T. Kirk and Duras sisters; Enterprise-D destroyed)

ST:DS9 s03e22 “Explorers”
ST:DS9 s03e23 “Family Business”
ST:DS9 s03e24 “Shakaar”
ST:DS9 s03e25 “Facets”
ST:DS9 s03e26 “The Adversary”

ST DS9: Fool’s Gold (comic)


Season 4

ST:DS9 s04e01e02 “The Way of the Warrior”

ST SNW #8 – “Promises Made”
         (Kira Nerys leads the USS Defiant on a successful mission to rescue Tom Riker from the Cardassian prison on Lazon II)

ST:DS9 s04e03 “The Visitor”
ST:DS9 s04e04 “Hippocratic Oath”
ST:DS9 s04e05 “Indsicretion”

ST DS9: Revenant
         (A Dax-centered novel in which Jadzia Dax is has to go back to Trill and learns of murderous symbionts, with side stories for Worf, Kira Nerys, and Julian Bashir)

ST:DS9 s04e06 “Rejoined”
ST:DS9 s04e07 “Starship Down”
ST:DS9 s04e08 “Little Green Men”
ST:DS9 s04e09 “The Sword of Kahless”
ST:DS9 s04e10 “Our Man Bashir”
ST:DS9 s04e11 “Homefront” (1/2)
ST:DS9 s04e12 “Paradise Lost” (2/2)
ST:DS9 s04e13 “Crossfire”
ST:DS9 s04e14 “Return to Grace”
ST:DS9 s04e15 “Sons of Mogh”
ST:DS9 s04e16 “Bar Association”
ST:DS9 s04e17 “Accesion”
ST:DS9 s04e18 “Rules of Engagement”
ST:DS9 s04e19 “Hard Time”
ST:DS9 s04e20 “Shattered Mirror”
ST:DS9 s04e21 “Muse”
ST:DS9 s04e22 “For the Cause”
ST:DS9 s04e23 “To the Death”
ST:DS9 s04e24 “The Quickening”

ST MU: Shards and Shadows, “Family Matters”
         (features mirror Klag, son of M’Raq, with mirror versions of Corat Dumar, Drex son of Martok, Worf son of Mogh, Skrain Dukat, and others)

ST:DS9 s04e25 “Body Parts”
ST:DS9 s04e26 “Broken Link”


Season 5

ST:DS9 s05e01 “Apocalypse Rising”
ST:DS9 s05e02 “The Ship”
ST:DS9 s05e03 “Looking for par’Mach in All the Wrong Places”
ST:DS9 s05e04 “…Nor the Battle to the Strong”

ST MU: Shards and Shadows, “Homecoming”
         (features M'k'n'zy of Calhoun and mirror versions of Edward Jellico, Kalinda Si Qwan, Robin Lefler, Soleta, Mark Henry, and others)

ST:DS9 s05e05 “The Assignment”
ST:DS9 s05e06 “Trials and Tribble-ations”

ST DS9 #14: “Nobody Knows the Tribble I’ve Seen” (comic)
            (DS9 speculates about Klingon-Tribble war)

ST SNW #9 – “The Tribbles’ Pagh”

ST:DS9 s05e07 “Let He Who is Without Sin…”
ST:DS9 s05e08 “Things Past”

ST S31: Rogue
         (framing story is just after Star Trek: First Contact, but the main story takes place six months prior, just after DS9’s “Things Past”; Picard learns of Section 31 while dealing with a diplomatic incident between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire; features Sean Hawk and Ranul Keru)

ST:DS9 s05e09 “The Ascent”
ST:DS9 s05e10 “Rapture”
ST:DS9 s05e11 “The Darkness and the Light”

Star Trek: The Captains’ Table, Book 3: The Mist
         (CAPT Benjamin Sisko of Starbase Deep Space 9 and the USS Defiant visits the bar called ‘The Captain’s Table’)

ST:DS9 s05e12 “The Begotten”
ST:DS9 s05e13 “For the Uniform”

Star Trek: The Badlands, Part IV
         (USS Defiant is sent into the Badlands tasked with recovering or destroying the AQS that Janeway has determined is there)

ST:DS9 s05e14 “In Purgatory’s Shadow” (1/2)
ST:DS9 s05e15 “By Inferno’s Light” (2/2)
ST:DS9 s05e16 “Dr. Bashir, I Presume?”
ST:DS9 s05e17 “A Simple Investigation”
ST:DS9 s05e18 “Business as Usual”
ST:DS9 s05e19 “Ties of Blood and Waters”
ST:DS9 s05e20 “Ferengi Love Songs”
ST:DS9 s05e21 “Soldiers of the Empire”
ST:DS9 s05e22 “Children of Time”

Star Trek: First Contact
         (features Worf; events play a part in Worlds of Deep Space Nine, Volume Two, “Trill: Unjoined”)

ST:DS9 s05e23 “Blaze of Glory”
ST:DS9 s05e24 “Empok Nor”
ST:DS9 s05e25 “In the Cards”
ST:DS9 s05e26 “Call to Arms”

Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War – “What Dreams May Come”


Season 6

Star Trek: The Dominion War, Book One – Behind Enemy Lines
         (TNG, but heavily features Ro Laren)

ST:DS9 s06e01 “A Time to Stand” (1/2)
ST:DS9 s06e02 “Rocks and Shoals” (2/2)
ST:DS9 s06e03 “Sons and Daughters”

Star Trek: The Dominion War, Book Three – Tunnel Through the Stars
         (again, TNG, but heavily features Ro Laren)

ST:DS9 s06e04 “Behind the Lines”
ST:DS9 s06e05 “Favor the Bold”

Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War – “Night of the Vulture”

ST:DS9 s06e06 “Sacrifice of Angels”
ST:DS9 s06e07 “You Are Cordially Invited…”
ST:DS9 s06e08 “Resurrection”
ST:DS9 s06e09 “Statistical Probablilities”
ST:DS9 s06e10 “The Magnificant Ferengi”
ST:DS9 s06e11 “Waltz”
ST:DS9 s06e12 “Who Mourns for Morn?”
ST:DS9 s06e13 “Far Beyond the Stars”
ST:DS9 s06e14 “One Little Ship”
ST:DS9 s06e15 “Honor Among Thieves”
ST:DS9 s06e16 “Change of Heart”
ST:DS9 s06e17 “Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night”
ST:DS9 s06e18 “Inquisition”

ST:DS9 Too Long a Sacrifice (comic)

ST:DS9 s06e19 “In the Pale Moonlight”

Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War - “The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned”
Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War - “Blood Sacrifice

ST:DS9 Hollow Men
            (aftermath of “In the Pale Moonlight”)

ST:DS9 s06e20 “His Way”

ST:DS9 The Dog of War (TPB)
         (celebrating the show’s 30th anniversary)

ST:DS9 s06e21 “The Reckoning”
ST:DS9 s06e22 “Valiant”
ST:DS9 s06e23 “Profit and Lace”
ST:DS9 s06e24 “Time’s Orphan”
ST:DS9 s06e25 “The Sound of Her Voice”
ST:DS9 s06e26 “Tears of the Prophets”

ST SNW #3 - “Ninety-three Hours”
         (Ezri Tigan becomes host for symbiont Dax)


Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War - “Mirror Eyes”
         (Romulan spy on DS9)

ST:VOY s05e08 “Nothing Human”
         (features hologram of Crell Moset, details of his crimes; he plays a significant role in the following novel)

ST:TNG The Battle of Betazed

Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War – “Twilight’s Wrath”

Season 7

ST:DS9 s07e01 “Image in the Sand”
ST:DS9 s07e02 “Symbols and Shadows”
ST:DS9 s07e03 “Afterimage”
ST:DS9 s07e04 “Take Me Out to the Holosuite”
ST:DS9 s07e05 “Chrysalis”
ST:DS9 s07e06 “Treachery, Faith, and the Great River”
ST:DS9 s07e07 “One More unto the Breach”
ST:DS9 s07e08 “The Siege of AR-588”
ST:DS9 s07e09 “Covenant”
ST:DS9 s07e10 “It’s Only a Paper Moon”

Star Trek: Insurrection
         (Worf TAD to USS Enterprise-E; events referred to in DS9 Relaunch’s Star Trek Section 31: Abyss)

ST:DS9 s07e11 “Prodigal Daughter”
ST:DS9 s07e12 “The Emperor’s New Cloak”

ST SNW #3 – “Dorian’s Diary”

ST:DS9 s07e13 “Field of Fire”
ST:DS9 s07e14 “Chimera”
ST:DS9 s07e15 “Badda-Bing Badda-Bang”
ST:DS9 s07e16 “Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges”
ST:DS9 s07e17 “Penumbra”
ST:DS9 s07e18 “Til Death Do Us Part”
ST:DS9 s07e19 “Stange Bedfellows”

Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War, “Safe Harbors”
         (features ADM Leonard McCoy and CAPT Montgomery Scott)

Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War – “Eleven Hours Out”

ST:DS9 s07e20 “The Changing Face of Evil”

Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War – “Field Expediency”

ST:DS9 s07e21 “When It Rains…”

Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War, “A Song Well Sung”
         (features Klag, son of M’Raq)

ST:DS9 s07e22 “Tacking Into the Wind”
ST:DS9 s07e23 “Extreme Measures”
ST:DS9 s07e24 “The Dogs of War”
ST:DS9 s07e25e26 “What You Leave Behind”

Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War - “Requital”
         (features Reese from AR-588, now aboard Defiant; takes place during “What You Leave Behind”)

Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War – “Stone Cold Truths”


After the TV series ended, fans wanted more and writers wanted to write more, so Star Trek: Deep Space Nine continued in novels, comics, and ebooks as well as in short story collections, all dubbed the “Relaunch”.  It was the first second generation Star Trek TV series to do so.

There are several lists of this across the web; mine includes ST TNG novels that feature or include Worf as a Federation ambassador that are not usually included in other lists, but since they touch on subjects the TV series dealt with, I’ve included those in this list, at least the ones up until he resigns his ambassadorship and returns to Starfleet.

Although many of the Ambassador Worf stories are under the ST TNG label, his ambassadorship came about as a result of his activities on ST:DS9 the TV show, so I consider those part of the specifically DS9 Relaunch.

Star Trek: Lower Decks is from a different continuity, but with the characters voiced by the original actors from ST DS9 show and included here where they best fit in the timeline did they belong there.

I’ve included the Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations series even though storylines never cross each other because the department was introduced in “Trials and Tribble-ations”.

The Starfleet Corps of Engineers stories included are those which feature personnel from Deep Space 9.

The greater story arcs more or less self-organize into five blocks, which I’ve dubbed Seasons 8-12.

“Season 8”

ST DS9: What You Leave Behind
         (novelization expands on a number of elements from the episode and includes scenes cut from the final episode)

The Autobiography of Benjamin Sisko: The Life of Starfleet’s Legendary Captain and Emissary
         (with introduction by Jake Sisko, conclusion by Benny Russell.  Jake’s intro relates that the in-universe publication comes three years after his father’s disappearance but without his having returned, contrary to the events of Unity and the Relaunch; however the autobiography itself ends with the year 2375; released specifically to coincide with the show’s 30th anniversary; by the same writer as “The Dreamer and the Dream”)

Star Trek: Tales from the Captain’s Table, “loDnI'pu' vavpu' je”
         (Klag, son of M’Raq, of the IKS Gorkon visits the bar known as ‘The Captain’s Table’)

ST MU: Obsidian Alliances – “Saturn’s Children”
         (former Intendent Kira is now a slave to Martok, who has taken Worf’s former position and made Ro the new intendent, and the Terran Alliance has installed a Romulan cloak on the Defiant)

ST MU: Shards and Shadows - “A Terrible Beauty”
         (Keiko Ishikawa’s life from working in the Alliance mines to escaping to Terok Nor and meeting Miles O’Brien)


ST DS9: The Lives of Dax
         (framing story is post-TV series, others are from each symbiont host)

ST DS9: N-Vector (comic)
         (introduces new First Officer of DS9 later appearing in Avatar)

ST SNW #7 - “Barclay Program Nine”
         (a Ferengi tries to sell Quark the holoprogram featured in TNG’s Season 3, Episode 21, “Hollow Pursuits”)

ST SNW #10 – “Signal to Noise”
         (Jack panics over the fact the universe will end in 60 trillion years and Benny Russell convinces him to chill out)

ST TNG: Gemworld I & II
         (Melora Pazlar, formerly of Deep Space 9—Season 2, Episode 6, “Melora”—and now on USS Enterprise-E, receives a telepathic plea from her home planet, Gemworld)

ST DS9: The Left Hand of Destiny I & II
         (Chancellor Martok returns to Q’onos with new UFP Ambassador to the Klingon Empire Worf son of Mogh)

ST DS9: A Stitch in Time 
         (A long, long letter from Garak to Bashir telling of his past as well as the aftermath of the Dominion War on Cardassia Prime)

ST TNG: Diplomatic Implausibility
         (features Worf, Klag, IKS Gorkon, Klingon Empire)

ST SNW #9 - “Living on the Edge of Existence”
         (The Sisko becomes used to living with the Prophets)

ST DS9: Avatar I & II 
         (duology which launched the whole Relaunch takes place 3 months after the TV episode, or its novelization, “What You Leave Behind”; lays the foundation for several arcs that continue throughout the DS9 Relaunch)

ST SNW #8 - “Gumbo”
         (Jake Sisko prepares a meal for his DS9 friends on Earth)

ST SCE 6: Cold Fusion 
         (DS9 chief engineer Nog works with SCE thru the USS da Vinci to repair damage to DS9 in the Avatar story)

ST SNW #6 - “Urgent Matter”
         (a Changeling arrives on DS9 from the Great Link on an urgent mission)

Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Cardassians (comic)
         (a Cardassian fundamentalist black ops team attempts to assassinate the Female Changeling in Federation Prison Ananke Alpha; guest stars Elim Garak and Kira Nerys)

ST Section 31: Abyss 
         (Section 31 sends Julian Bashir, Ro Laren, Ezri Dax, and Taran’tar to stop an Augment who has installed himself as leader of a rogue group of Jem’Hadar)

Star Trek: Gateways #3: The Next Generation – Doors into Chaos
         (primarily TNG, but features several DS9 characters and locations)
Star Trek: Gateways #4: Deep Space Nine - Demons of Air and Darkness
         (action of both sides of the wormhole in Alpha and Gamma Quadrants)
Star Trek: Gateways #7: What Lay Beyond – “Horn and Ivory”
         (concludes Demons of Air and Darkness)
Star Trek: Gateways #7: What Lay Beyond – “The Other Side”
         (concludes Doors Into Chaos, guest starring the Defiant)
ST SCE #10: Here There Be Monsters (ebook)
         (epilogue to the Gateways miniseries)

Star Trek: The Brave and the Bold, Part 4 – “The Final Artifact”
         (Klag of the IKS Gorkon and Picard of the USS Enterprise-D)

ST DS9: Mission Gamma I - Twilight
         (under command of DS9 first officer CMDR Elias Vaughn, the USS Defiant begins an exploration of the Gamma Quadrant; the mission begins with blowback from the Gateways Crisis; meanwhile Col. Kira has to deal with the crisis over the Ohalu prophecies on Bajor)

ST:LD s03e06 “Hear All, Trust Nothing”
         (the USS Cerritos visits Deep Space Nine)

ST DS9: Divided We Fall, Issue 1 – “Crossfire”
ST DS9: Divided We Fall, Issue 2 – “No Quarter”
ST DS9: Divided We Fall, Issue 3 – “All Fall Down”
ST DS9: Divided We Fall, Issue 4 – “United We Stand”
         (DS9-TNG crossover comic miniseries featuring the return of Verad as leader of the Purists on Trill attacking joined Trills)

ST SCE #16: Oaths
         (Julian Bashir’s Starfleet medical classmate Elisabeth Lense—from DS9’s Season 3, Episode 22, “Explorers”— joins the da Vinci as its CMO; the crew saves Sherman’s Planet, and themselves, from a deadly plague)

ST DS9: Mission Gamma II – This Gray Spirit
         (USS Defiant negotiates between the Cheka and the Yrythny in the Gamma Quadrant; Ambassador Natima Lang arrives on DS9; the Ohaluvaru movement grows on Bajor)

ST DS9: Mission Gamma III – Cathedral
         (in the Gamma Quadrant, Bashir, Nog, and Dax are affected in different ways by a mysterious object, while DS9 prepares for Bajor’s entry into the UFP; Garak, Macet, and the survivors of the Oralian Way arrange for the return of the four Orbs which remain missing)

ST:LD s04e06 “Parth Ferengi’s Heart Place”
         (features Rom and Leeta)

ST GKN: A Good Day to Die
         (Klag son of M’Raq and the IKS Gorkon encounter the Children of San-Tarah in the Kavrot Sector)

ST DS9: Mission Gamma IV – Lesser Evil
         (On DS9, chaos reigns after the apparent assassination of First Minister Shakaar by Trill security officer Hiziki Gard in Cathedral, even more so after the justification is revealed; on its way back home in the Gamma Quadrant, the USS Defiant discovers a crashed Borg ship with a lone survivor, then picks up Jake Sisko, Opaka Sulan, and Wex from a new Weyoun sent by Odo)

ST GKN: Honor Bound
         (Gen. Talak orders Klag to violate his oath to the Children of San-Tarah and help him conquer their world, leaving Klag to choose between disobedience and dishonor)

ST DS9: Rising Son
         (inspired by his interpretation of a recently discovered ancient prophecy, Jake Sisko enters the wormhole believing it’s his destiny to bring back his father; instead he finds much more than he bargained for to bring back with him, though not his father)

ST SCE #29: Aftermath
         (with CAPT Montgomery Scott and SCPO Miles O’Brien, the USS da Vinci investigates a ship that appears out of nowhere in San Francisco)

ST DS9: Unity
         (USS Defiant arrives back at DS9 at the height of the Bluegill Crisis, which comes to a head with the bluegill parasites defeated once and for all; Benjamin Sisko returns from the Celestial Temple; Bajor enters the UFP)

“Season 9”

ST TNG: Genesis Wave I
         (first book of the Genesis Wave trilogy; no DS9 figures, only in the epilogue; while not absolutely necessary for the epilogue, reading them gives background for Genesis Force)

ST GKN: Enemy Territory
         (the IKS Gorkon in the conflict with the newly discovered Elbarej Hegemony and Klag puts down a mutiny)

ST DS9: Worlds of Deep Space Nine #2 – Trill: Unjoined
         (accompanied by Julian Bashir, Ezri Dax travels to Trill and discovers its hidden history, including the origin of the bluegill parasites)

ST Tales from the Captain’s Table - “The Officers’ Club”
         (CAPT Kira Nerys of Starbase Deep Space 9 visits the bar called ‘The Captain’s Table’)

ST DS9: Worlds of Deep Space Nine #2  Bajor: Fragments and Omens
         (Bajor adjusts to its UFP membership; the Siskos settle in; the village of Sidau featured in “The Storyteller” is destroyed; Opaka encourages Solis of the Ohaluvaru to run for kai)

ST DS9: Worlds of Deep Space Nine #1 – Andor: Paradigm
         (ENS Thirishar ch’Thane return to his home planet Andor with a plan to save his species by altering their biology)

ST KE: A Burning House
         (Klag and the IKS Gorkon finally return to Qo’noS; Klag deals with his family and political enemies; Rodek son of Noggra begins to remember his true identity)

ST DS9: Worlds of Deep Space Nine #3 – Ferenginar: Satisfaction Is Not Guaranteed
         (a group of Ferengi plan to overthrow Grand Nagus Rom and try to draft Quark into their plot)

ST DS9: Worlds of Deep Space Nine #1 – Cardassia: The Lotus Flower
         (Keiko O’Brien spearheads the planet’s agricultural renewal while Miles joins the infrastructure reconstruction and Garak backs the fledgling democracy and the Oralian Way returns)

ST SCE #50: Malefictorum
         (LCDR Corsi investigates the sudden death of a crewman of the USS da Vinci with help from DS9’s CO CAPT Kira Nerys and its security chief LT Ro Laren)

ST SNW #9: “Shadowed Allies”
         (Kira Nerys exists in three separate realities so a Changeling can study her and Odo’s relationship)

ST SCE #51: Lost Time
         (A booby trap left by the Androssi aboard Empok Nor threatens the entire Bajoran System; features Kira Nerys, Elias Vaughn, and Nog)

ST SCE #55 & 56: Wounds, Books 1 & 2
         (while traveling to a medical conference aboard the runabout USS Missouri, Drs. Julian Bashir of DS9 and Elisabeth Lense of USS da Vinci crash on an unknown planet and are separated, thinking each other dead)

ST DS9: Worlds of Deep Space Nine #3 – The Dominion: Olympus Descending
         (Odo returns to the Great Link to find it in distress; Taran’atar becomes increasingly distressed, destroys his room and attacks Kira and Ro)

ST LD s05e09 “Fissure Quest”
         (features alternate universe versions of Garak, Bashir, & Curzon Dax)

ST TNG: Genesis Wave II
         (led by Jean-Luc Picard and the USS Enterprise-E, the UFP forms a partnership with the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire to deal with the Genesis Wave Crisis, which they effectively do)


ST DS9: Warpath
         (in the aftermath of Taran’atar’s attack on Kira and Ro, Elias Vaughn and the USS Defiant chase him into the Gamma Quadrant and discover that his motives are more complex than apparent)

ST TNG: Genesis Wave III
         (the Genesis Device falls into the hands of a religious zealot moss creature who uses it to create a network of such devices; features Admiral Nechayev in a prominent role)

ST DS9: Fearful Symmetry
         (while other events are included, the main storyline focuses on Prime Kira Narys, Mirror Intendent Kira Nerys, Prime Iliana Ghemor who thinks she is the real Kira Nerys, and the Mirror Iliana Ghemor who is still sane)

ST DS9: The Soul Key
         (the storyline begun in the Worlds of Deep Space Nine novellas Bajor: Fragments and Omens and The Dominion: Olympus Descending and continuing thru Warpath and Fearful Symmetry finally comes to a head through direct intervention of the Prophets)

ST TNG: Genesis Force
         (Ambassador Worf and the IKS Ya’Vang, whose crew includes sons of Worf Alexander Rozhenko and Jeremy Aster, assist the Aluwnans recover their planet from the ravages of Genesis)

ST SNW #9 - “The Last Tree on Ferenginar”
         (Grix, a Ferengi from the future, tells Grand Nagus Rom how he and Leeta saved the last tree on the planet)

Star Trek: The Seven Deadly Sins - “Greed: Reservoir Ferengi”
         (takes place during the administration of Grand Nagus Rom)


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, “The Dream Box”
         (play by Andrew J. Robinson performed at conventions as Elim Garak with Alexander Siddig as Julian Bashir; first titled “The Nexus”)

ST DS9: The Never-Ending Sacrifice
         (a biography of sorts on Rugal Pa’Dar, the pseudo-orphan from DS9’s Season 2, Episode 5, “Cardassians”, up to and past the events of The Soul Key, in consistency with A Stitch in Time and the Star Trek: Terok Nor trilogy; Elim Garak becomes Ambassador of Cardassia to the UFP)


“Season 10”

This “season” is dominated by three crossover miniseries, opening with the final three novels in the The Next Generation miniseries Star Trek: A Time to… and its effective “epilogue” Star Trek: Articles of the Federation which set the stage upon which those which follow play out, beginning with the Borg invasion.

ST TNG: A Time to Kill
ST TNG: A Time to Heal
         (during the Dominion War, the UFP secretly armed the government of Tezwa on the Klingon border, where a power-hungry president comes into office and nearly starts a war between the UFP and the Klingon Empire; Worf must face whether his loyalty to the UFP outweighs that to Martok)

ST TNG: A Time for War, a Time for Peace
         (aftermath of the Tezwa affair brings about drastic changes to the UFP; the Federation embassy on Qo’noS is seized by terrorists tied to dissident factions in the Klingon government; Worf at the end returns to Starfleet and is assigned to Enterprise-E)

ST DS9: Prophecy and Change – “The Calling”
sequel to A Stitch in Time; Alon Ghemor, Castellan of the Cardassian Union, is assassinated and Elim Garak returns to Cardassia)

Star Trek: Nemesis
         (epic events which along with those in the previous novels and the following novel set the stage for the rest of this ‘season’)


ST SNW 2016 – “The Dreamer and the Dream”
         (Dukat returns from the Fire Caves, and Benjamin Sisko and Benny Russell must work together to save Kasidy Yates and Jonathan Sisko; also features Kira Nerys, the USS Defiant, Julian Bashir, and Odo; some continuity issues but well worth inclusion)

Star Trek: Articles of the Federation
         (as well as dealing with the political aftermath of the Teswa affair, sets the stage for the crossover miniseries Destiny, Typhon Pact, and The Fall; features split between the Romulan Star Empire under Praetor Tal’Aura and the Imperial Romulan State under Empress Donatra)


ST ENT: Kobayashi Maru
ST Destiny I: Gods of Night
ST Destiny II: Mere Mortals
ST Destiny III: Lost Souls
         (Kobayashi Maru takes place in 2155 but is a direct prelude to the Star Trek: Destiny miniseries, which deals with the origin of the Borg from the Caeliar on the planet Arehaz in the Delta Quadrant in the late 46th century BCE and the dissolution of the Borg Collective in the present, mainly featuring USS Aventine, USS Enterprise-E, and USS Titan, along with continuing the story begun in Kobayashi Maru, including elements from ENT, TNG, DS9, VOY, TTN, NF, & SCE)

Star Trek: A Singular Destiny
         (novel-length epilogue to the Destiny miniseries, featuring UFP diplomat Sonek Pran and the USS Aventine; the Klingon Empire and UFP invite the Imperial Romulan State, Ferengi Alliance, Cardassian Union, and Talarian Republic into the Khitomer Accords to counter the Typhon Pact, with the first two accepting immediately, the others following later)

ST MU: Rise Like Lions
         (centers on Terok Nor and mirror Bajor, with mirror versions of Miles O’Brien, Iliana Ghemor, Ezri Tigan, Leeta, many others)


ST DTI: Watching the Clock
         (the miniseries centers on Starfleet Department of Temporal Investigation agents Gariff Lucsly and Marion Dulmur—featured in DS9’s Season 5, Episode 6, “Trials and Tribble-ations”—in a debut with stories of several missions, some including 31st century agent Timot Danlen—‘Daniels’ to CAPT Archer of Enterprise NX-01—ending with a Temporal Defense Grid agreed by DTI and the temporal agencies of the Klingon Empire, Typhon Pact, and three other major powers)

Star Trek Typhon Pact #1: Zero Sum Game
         (the Typhon Pact miniseries focuses on interaction between members of that alliance and the UFP; this story centers on Dr. Julian Bashir and Sarina Douglas infiltrating a Breen planet, with support from CAPT Dax and the USS Aventine)

Star Trek Typhon Pact #2: Seize the Fire
         (features the USS Titan struggling with the Gorn over a terraforming artefact while saving the native Hranrarii on a planet a rogue Gorn wants to use the device on)

Star Trek Typhon Pact #3: Rough Beasts of Empire
         (past story tells of Sisko commanding the USS New York during the Borg invasion of 2381 and of Vaughn’s injury-inflicted a coma in command of the USS James T. Kirk; FADM Akaar makes Sisko CO of the USS Robinson patrolling the Sierra Sector; the other major storyline deals with Ambassador Spock and the Unification Movement on Romulus in the post-Shinzon era)

Star Trek Typhon Pact #4: Paths of Disharmony
         (centers on the Andorian genetic crisis, to deal with which President Bacco sends Picard and the USS Enterprise; in the end a referendum on leaving the UFP wins, and the Andorians turn to the Tholians)


Star Trek Typhon Pact #5: Plagues of Night
         (in part one of a duology, the UFP and Typhon Pact agree on a joint mission to the Gamma Quadrant; action returns to DS9 which ends with the destruction of Deep Space 9 with a thousand inhabitants onboard just as the USS Robinson exits the wormhole)

Star Trek Typhon Pact #6: Raise the Dawn
         (in part two of the duology, the Defiant tracks down Tomalak and takes him into custody; Sisko finds his family safe; Ro establishes Bajoran Space Central at the former Wyntara Mas Control Center; Sisko temporarily commands the Defiant; a series of events leads to the collapse of the wormhole, leaving Odo trapped in the Alpha Quadrant and Kira presumed to be lost)

ST DTI: Forgotten History
         (DTI’s Lucsly and Dulmur encounter a starship with a warp signature of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701, whose hull markings identify it as Timeship Two and whose quantum signature places it in the past of this universe, only DTI has no record of such a timeship)

ST TNG: Indistinguishable from Magic
         (features Guinan, Nog, Montgomery Scott, Geordi La Forge, Reginald Barclay, and SCE’s USS Challenger, as well as USS Enterprise, finding the USS Intrepid, NX-07, which disappeared in 2161 and investigating the reasons it vanished, leading to a chain of events which sees the loss of CAPT Scott, probably for good)

Star Trek Typhon Pact #8: Brinkmanship
         (after the usually neutral Vendette Convention turns to the Tzenkethi Coalition for protection, the Aventine is sent to investigate one of its bases while the Enterprise pursues diplomacy)


ST DTI: The Collectors
         (when DTI’s Lucsly and Dulmer acquire an alien obelisk of incredible power, 31st century agent Jena Noi shows up to try and take it; the three find themselves thrown into a future corrupted by temporal war; Dulmur accepts a promotion)

ST DTI: Time Lock
         (Lucsly and DTI director Laarin Andos are tasked with handling a spacetime portal device that turns out to be a Trojan horse)

ST DTI: Shield of the Gods
         (the agents of DTI must recover a time-travel device stolen from their  vault and convince the mysterious Aegis help them protect history)


Star Trek The Fall #1: Revelation and Dust
         (triumph turns to tragedy when President Bacco is assassinated at the dedication ceremony for the new Deep Space 9 II; the wormhole discharges Kira Nerys, Taran’atar, and Altek Dans from the Celestial Temple)

Star Trek The Fall #2: The Crimson Shadow
         (Enterprise escorts Ambassador Garak to Cardassia to preside over the withdrawal of remaining Federation forces from the planet when Bacco is assassinated and her successor, Ishan Anjar, delays the withdrawal; Garak discovers those behind the assassination leading to him standing for election as Castellan, which he wins)

Star Trek The Fall #3: A Ceremony of Losses
         (the Andorian political crisis comes to a head, with acting President Anjar declaring a blockade of Andor; Bashir defies the order to deliver the cure to the Andorian genetic crisis; Aventine intervenes to protect Bashir and his team from Starfleet; the cure is broadcast from multiple sites; Andor applies to rejoin UFP and the application is fast-tracked)

Star Trek The Fall #4: The Poisoned Chalice
         (FADM Akaar orders Riker and Titan back to Earth, where Will if promoted to rear admiral; Tuvok, Titan’s tactical officer, is recruited into the ultra-secret Active Four, which also has Nog and Tom Riker, among others; Bashir is released to Andor following covert and overt maneuvering by Sarina Douglas, Titan XO Christina Vale, Troi, and the Andorians)

Star Trek The Fall #5: Peaceable Kingdoms
         (features ADM Crusher leaving Enterprise to take up the post of CMO on DS9 II until Bashir was reinstated or replaced; with her team, Tom Riker, and Cardassian doctor Ilona Daret, and help from both ADM Riker and from the Enterprise; she uncovers all th
e behind-the-scenes machinations and plots that led to Bacco’s assassination, as well as the true identity of the Bajoran man and current president pro tempore of the UFP using the name “Ishan Anjar”)

“Season 11”

ST DS9: Lust’s Latinum Lost (and Found)
         (features Quark's Public House, Café, Gaming Emporium, Holosuite Arcade, and Ferengi Embassy to Bajor on DS9 II, which is losing business to the park, sports fields, theater, swimming complex, etc., on the station, when Quark learns the steamiest holonovel in decades is up for grabs)

ST DS9: The Missing
         (the multi-species science and exploration vessel Athene Donald, the brainchild of Dr. Katherine Pulaski and for which she was CMO, staffed by representatives of worlds of both the Khitomer Powers and the Typhon Pact, makes its final stop at DS9 before its extended mission; CAPT Ro also faces challenges from two peoples never before encountered, the Chain and the People of the Open Sky; Odo appeals to Ro for assistance locating the son of a friend of his who went missing during the Dominion War; at the end Crusher returns to the Enterprise)

ST DS9: Sacraments of Fire
         (the Prophets send Altek Dans of Joradell centuries in the past and in another universe to prime DS9 in 2385; Ro has him arrested immediately, it being just days after Bacco’s assassination, but later gives him free rein provided he accepts an escort; Sisko is ordered to take the Robinson and explore possible Tzenkethi involvement in the assassination; Kira Nerys has been sent six years into the past and finds herself aboard the Even Odds (Rising Son) in the time prime Iliana Ghemor, who believes herself to be the real Kira Nerys, has gained control of the Ascendants)

ST DS9: Ascendance
         (continues the story begun in the previous novel, in both times)

ST DS9: Rules of Accusation
         (Quark’s Public House, Café, Gaming Emporium, Holosuite Arcade, and Ferengi Embassy to Bajor on Deep Space 9 II can’t officially become an embassy until it is dedicated by Grand Nagus Rom, in a ceremony where Quark plans to display the original scroll of the Rules of Acquisition to draw even more of a crowd; surely nothing could go wrong here)


ST Section 31: Disavowed
         (Section 31 tasks Dr. Julian Bashir and Sarina Douglas of Starfleet Intelligence with preventing the Breen from getting a new weapon from the Mirror Universe)

ST DS9: Force and Motion
         (Master Chief Miles O’Brien, chief engineer of DS9 II, and his colleague LCDR Nog son of Rom visit O’Brien’s former CO, Benjamin Maxwell, after he gets out of prison, on private space station Richard Hooke, where they run into a few unexpected turns of events)

ST DS9: I, The Constable
         (with his Starfleet job on hold, Odo welcomes Miles O’Brien loaning him his collection of noir; he is just getting into it when Quark goes missing on a trip to Ferenginar, after which life imitates art)

ST DS9: The Long Mirage
         (follow-up to the events of Sacraments of Fire and Ascendance; it begins with Quark looking for Morn, who has disappeared along with the investigator Quark hired to find his best customer; Kira Nerys emerges from the wormhole after two years to find Altek Dans, with whom she had lived a life in Bajor’s past, already there; Nog finally manages to get Vic Fontaine’s program working on the new station; all that is just the set-up)

ST DS9 Gamma: Original Sin
         (tells the story of CAPT Benjamin Sisko and the USS Robinson on their mission of exploration in the Gamma Quadrant, and also gives the account of the abduction of Rebecca by Radovan Tavus of the Ohaluvaru)

ST Section 31: Control
         (in an epic conclusion to the saga of Section 31, Julian Bashir and Sarina Douglas discover and help destroy, with the help of Elim Garak, the intelligence behind it, though not before it forces Douglas to kill herself, to which Bashir responds by going into a catatonic state; Garak takes him to Cardassia where he hopes he will recover)

ST TNG: Available Light
ST TNG: Collateral Damage
         (These two deal with the judicial and political aftermath of the exposure of Section 31 and its crimes, especially those during the Tezwa War at the end of the A Time To… miniseries, a story which stretches across both novels, with two separate missions by the USS Enterprise-E that are carried out concurrently.  They’re included here because Section 31 was introduced, in real time, in DS9’s Season 6.)


ST DS9: Enigma Tales
         (a sordid tale of a top-secret Cardassian operation called Project Enigma, the attempt to remove Bajoran genes from half-Bajoran, half-Cardassian children; Natima Lang, currently running to be Chief Academian of the University of the Union, is alleged to be one of those who signed off on it; Dr. Katherine Pulaski is on planet along with Peter Alden, formerly of Starfleet Intelligence; the story ends with Garak reading to the catatonic Bashir after laying beside him his precious Kukalaka; 'Historian's Note' says late 2386, but early in the story the text states it is three years into Garak
’s castellanship, which began in 2385)


ST SNW #4 – “Isolation Ward 4”
         (Dr. Wycliffe’s notes about his patient Benny Russell, including a looking back reflection in 1968, which for him is this year, as “Far Beyond the Stars”, ST:DS9 s06e13, was in 2374 and 1953, meaning “Image in the Sand” and “Symbols and Shadows”, ST:DS9 s07e01 & e02, take place in 2375 & 1954)

25th century

“Season 12”

The stories in these two novels and the framing narrative of the short story collection all take place in the 25th century and form an epilogue of sorts, a coda, you might say, of the story of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.


ST SNW #9 – “Staying the Course”
         (Toras son of Duras leads a rebellion against Chancellor Worf)

ST ENT: The Good That Men Do
         (tells what really happened to Trip Tucker, that he wasn’t killed as depicted in the show’s finale “These Are the Voyages…”; the framing story is in the early 25th century involving reporter Jake Sisko and CMDR Rom son of Nog)


ST DS9: Prophecy and Change
         (though the rest take place throughout the timeline of the TV series, the two-part framing story “Revisited” is the meeting of retired author Jake Sisko and student admirer Melanie 
as seen in Season 4, Episode 3, “The Visitor”, only without Benjamin lost in a pocket world; it takes place in 2442.  The short story collection, each written by a different author, as a whole is cast as tales told by the elderly Jake to Melanie about his life on DS9, a most fitting coda to the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine story)