and in Irish law from ancient times, Ireland was divided between five kingdoms,
or provinces, each with its own king:
Midhe (Meath), Connacht, Ulaidh (Ulster), Laighin (Leinster), and Mumhan
(Munster). Over the five was the nominal
High King at Tara in the heart of Meath, but his authority was mostly
ceremonial. Often, the High King was
also king of one of the provinces, such as when the O’Briens and O’Connors held
the office. Below each provincial king
were a number of overkings over several tuatha, the basic unit of life in
Ireland, each of which had its own king (ri in Irish).
to legend, Conn Cetchathach, progenitor of the Connachta, lost the Battle of
Maigh Nuadad to Eoghan Mor, progenitor of the Eoghanachta, in the 2nd
century, and was forced to accept division of the island between them. Leth Cuinn, or Conn’s Half, included
Connacht, Ulaidh, and Midhe while Leth Moga, or Mugh’s Half (Eoghan was also
known as Mug Nuadat) took in Mumhan and Laighin. It’s a colorful story that reflect the
political realites of the later Middle Ages than actual history.
and geologically, however, the division is nearly exactly the same. The two halves of Ireland along approximately
the same lines come from different prehistoric continents that crashed together
and formed the island (and its next-door neighbor, Britain) around 425 megaanni
ago (roughly 425,000,000 BCE). The
continent of Laurentia, now the greater part of North America, contributed the
north while the micro-continent of Avalonia contributed the southern half.
Laurentian craton that forms the north half of the islands of Ireland and
Britain and the eastern two-thirds of North America is the oldest landmass to
remain above the sea, first rising around 612,000,000 BCE. That’s why Southern Appalachia where I live
has the most diverse and most number of species of fauna and flora on the
planet. Lots more things to be allergic
earliest recorded history, the kingdom, or province (coiced, i.e. “fifth”) from
the perspective of Ireland as a whole, of Connacht was known as Ol nEchmacht,
after the then dominant group of dynasties, of which there were three: the leading sept, the Gamanraige, ruling from
the River Galway to the rivers Duff and Drowes from the famous citadel at
Cruachan, the Fir Craibe to the south of them, and the Tuatha Taiden in roughly
the later Ui Maine.
seems the western districts beyond the line of the River Galway, at least the
southern part of that region, were left to their own devices, much as was the
case in the medieval through early modern times, though by Irish law, the
peoples who lived there—the Delbhna Tir Da Locha (in the barony of Moycullen),
the Conmaicne Mara (in the barony of Ballynahinch), the Ui Oirbsen branch of the
Partraige an-t Sleibh (in the barony of Ross)—were supposed to pay tribute to
and receive stipends from the king of all Connacht at Cruachan.
Fir Ol nEchmachta ruled the western province until the 5th century rise
of the Connachta, descended from Conn Cetchathach (“of
the Hundred Battles”), High King of Ireland in the 2nd century. The Connachta divided into four branches, one
of which became the Ui Neill of western Ulster (the kingdom of the Ulaidh
remained, but was reduced to modern Cos. Antrim and Down) and Midhe with the
remaining three, Ui Briuin, Ui Fiacrach, and Ui Ailello, giving their
collective name to the province.
ascension of the three Connachta (“Teora Connachta”) and the Ui Neill coincided
with the rise of the Eoghanachta over Mumhan, displacing the Corcu Loigde, and
of the rival related dynasties of Ui Dunlainge (who became the O’Tooles) and of
Ui Ceinnselaig (who became the MacMurroughs) in Leinster. The southern Ui Neill conquered the province
of Midhe entirely while their northern cousins founded the kingdom of Aileach
in what was once western Ulaidh. The
Airghialla had already carved out their kingdom from Ulster in the 4th century, and their cousins the Ui Maine went on to conquer part of Connacht.
one time, the kingdom of Connacht was the biggest province in Ireland in terms
of both land and population, including Co. Cavan, Co. Longford, and Co. Clare
in addition to Cos. Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon, and Galway. Co. Clare is both geographically and
geologically part of Connacht, as it was politically until the separation of a
branch of the Deisi Mumahn to become the Deisi Tuisceart after moving north into
the south of Connacht sometime between the 500s and 800s, and making it Tuadh
Mumhan (Thomond) in the 10thcentury.
Deisi Tuisceart later became the Dal gCais, bitter rivals of the Eoghanachta
for supremacy in Mumhan during the Middle Ages until the English Conquest in
1172. Their chiefs became the O’Briens,
of whom the most famous is Brien Borumha.
In return, their territory in the Aran Islands became part of Connacht
(by conquest) in 1582. Co. Clare was made
part of Connaught when counties were created but returned to Munster in 1639.
and some of the laws continued with the practice of dividing Connacht into
three, at first among each of the Connachta tribes, the Ui Briuin, Ui
Fiachrach, and Ui Ailello, with the last two replaced in later times by the Ui
Briuin Breifne and Ui Maine respectively, with the former taking their
territory and the latter their place of prominence, at least among the poets
and bards, such as John O’Dugan in his famous 14th century
topographic poem.
divisions of Connacht
(Tripartite) Connacht,
the leading sept of which were the Ui Briuin Ai, later known as the Sil Murray,
who eventually became the O’Connors.
They were also (usually) kings of all Connacht, ruling from Cruachan
until the 12th century when the king then moved his seat to Tuam. The name of the kingdom refers to the three
dynasties and implies the statement in the first sentence. It was roughly coextensive with modern County
Iar (West)
the leading sept of which were the Ui Briuin Seola, later known as the Muintir
Murchada, and finally as the O’Flahertys.
The O’Flahertys directly ruled over Moyseola and dominated the tuatha to
the immediate north (Conmaicne Cuile Toland) and south (Clan Fearghaill). At its height, Iar Connacht included Muintir
Murchada in Maigh Seola and Ui Briuin Ratha to the east (together the modern barony
of Clare), Clan Fearghaill (Dunkellin), Clan Cosgraig (south of Clan
Fearghaill), Delbhna Tir Da Locha (Moycullen), Conmaicne Mara (Ballynahinch), and
Ui Orbsen (later Joyce Country, now Ross).
Geographically, though never politically, it also included Tir Umhall.
1118, Iar Connacht included Conmaicne Cuile Tolad (Kilmain, Co. Roscommon), when
the O’Flahertys lost it to Turlogh Mor O’Connor. After 1582 it took in Aran when the
O’Flahertys ejected the MacTeige O’Briens.
The authority of the O’Flahertys over the area west of River Galway (Tir
Da Locha, Connemara, Joyce Country) was only nominal at best until the mid-13th century, when, of course, they no longer had their territories east of the
terms of geography, West Connacht is confined to the region west of the River
Galway; those territories to the east of the River Galway belong geographically
to Upper Connacht.
Uachtar (Upper)
the leading sept of which were the Ui Maine, who were later the O’Kellys. The territory, actually in the south of
Connacht, took in Co. Galway minus Iar Connacht and Deisceart Connacht,
southern Co. Roscommon, and part of Co. Clare.
Iochtar (Lower)
the leading sept of which were the Ui Aillelo, who eventually died out or at
least had their territories taken by a branch of the Ui Fiachrach Muaidhe later
known as the MacDermotts, who in turn lost it to the Burkes after the
Anglo-Norman invasion of 1172. In the 14th century, a sept of the O’Connors of Sil Murray took it from the Burkes. Lower Connacht is actually in the north,
taking in Co. Sligo and part of Co. Mayo.
(South) Connacht,
the leading sept of which were the Ui Fiachrach Aidhne, who became the Cenel
Guaire, then the O’Clerys. The territory
took in southern Co. Galway and included the land from there down to the River
Shannon until sometime between the 5th and 8th centuries,
when the latter was lost to group seceding from the Deisi Mumhan who crossed
the river and took what is now Co. Clare, becoming the Deisi Tuaisceart, later
known as the Dal gCais, and later renaming the territory Tuadh Mumhan, or
(Eastern) Connacht,
the leading sept of which were Ui Briuin Breifne, who became the
O’Rourkes. The territory took in modern Cos.
Leitrim and Cavan. The O’Rourkes in the west
divided their kingdom with the O’Reillys in the east.
(North) Connacht,
the leading sept of which were the Ui Fiachrach Muaide, who later became the O’Dowds. The territory is actually in the northwest of
Connacht, and took in most of Co. Mayo, including the Tir Umhall territory of
the O’Malleys who were autonomous.
practice, matters were much more complex and several tuatha were virtually
independent of any outside interference.
tribes of the kingdom of Connacht
let’s take a look at political Connacht.
Book of Rights and Privileges of the kings in Ireland, originally composed in
the 5th century by St. Benin and updated (somewhat though not
entirely) as necessary, gives the following as the free, non-tribute paying
tribes of Connacht, termed Saortuatha, in the 11th century:
1. Sil Murray, also known as Ui Briuin Ai, who were the high kings
of all Connacht from Cruachan (Rathconrath in Co. Roscommon); their tuatha was
called Teora Connacht, roughly the equivalent of modern Co. Roscommon. The leading sept were the O’Connors.
Sil Cathail of the Ui
Briuin Ai, whose leading sept were the O’Flannagans, alternated as high kings
of Connacht with the Sil Murray throughout the 8th century, but
never after. Their territory later
became the barony of Roscommon in the county of the same name.
2. Ui Briuin, which had three main
Ui Briuin
the two leading septs of which were the O’Rourkes. kings of all Breifne
covering Cos. Leitrim and Cavan, and their cadets, the O’Reillys, kings of
Muintir Maoilmhordha, equivalent to modern Co. Cavan that became East Breifne
after an English-fomented fratricidal disagreement in 1256.
Ui Briuin Seola in Iar
Connacht, the leading sept of which were the O’Flahertys, whose tuatha was
later called Muintir Murchada. See Iar
Connacht above.
Ui Briuin Ratha, the leading
sept of which were the O’Dalys, held 14 townlands east of the Ui Briuin in
Maigh Seola in Iar Connacht. The
O’Canavans, physicians to Muintir Murchada, were a sept of this tribe.
O’Malleys later called themselves the Ui Briuin Mhaille and the Corco Achlan
later called themselves the Ui Briuin Sinn, but neither of these claims have
any credibility.
3. Ui Fiachrach, once the kings
of all Connacht, which had three branches:
Ui Fiachrach
Muaidhe in Tuisceart Connacht, the leading sept of which were
the O’Dowds, fleet admirals of Connacht, whose home tuatha was Tír
Fhiacrach Muaidhe (barony of Tireragh in Co. Sligo). From there, they spread into Tír Amhlaidh (which
became their base), Iorrais Domnann, and Ceara (the baronies of Tirawley,
Erris, and Ceara in Co. Mayo). By the
early 14th century, they had been reduced to their original homeland.
The branch known as Fir Ceara dominated the Conmaicne
Ceara and the Partaige Ceara by the end of the 8th century; their kings became
the O’Murrays, with other branches the O’Tierneys and the O’Gormans.
Ui Fiachrach
in Deisceart Connacht, whose leading sept were the O’Clerys. The territory occupied southern Co. Galway.
Ui Fiachrach
a much smaller group that was never as influential as the others, lived in Maenmoy
in what is now central Co. Galway, the modern barony of Loughrea. Their kingdom was conquered early on by the
Ui Maine. Its rulers were the O’Mullulys
and MacNaughtons.
4. Cenel Aeda na
who were a branch of the Ui Fiachrach Aidne in the modern barony of Kiltartan
in Co. Galway, formerly called Kinelea.
Its two leading septs were the O’Shaugnessys and the O’Cahills. By the time of the English conquest, they had
deposed their cousins of Ui Fiachrach from the rule of Aidne.
of these dominated a number of non-free, tribute paying tribes in their
respective territories.
but tribute-paying tribes of Connacht
kingdom of Connacht also had a number of tribes free of outside interference
provided they paid tribute to Cruachan.
These are the Fortuatha
of Connacht, which had rulers of their own, not from an outside dominant
tribe. The Book of Rights and Privileges
lists the following as paying the annual tribute:
1. Ui Maine, whose leading
sept were the O’Kellys. They were a free
tribe not required to pay tribute for the freedom of their territory but had to
pay the tribute of the non-free tribes they conquered. A branch of the dynasty that carved
Airghialla out of Ulster, they migrated to Connacht and were permitted by Duach
Galach, the third Christian king of Connacht, to conquer the Firbolg tribes of
Magh Seincheinol. Later they also
conquered the Delbhna Nuadat and the Ui Fiacrach Finn. The territory corresponds to what is now the
baronies of Tiaquin, Kilconnell, and Killain in eastern co. Galway and Athlone
and Athcarnan in southern Co. Roscommon.
2. Ui Mhaille, who were the O’Malleys
mentioned above, inhabiting the area surrounding Clew Bay in Co. Mayo, known as
the Two Umhalls, Upper and Lower.
3. Luigne, the leading
sept of which were the O’Haras, and it included the Gailenga, whose leading sept were the O’Garas. The territory included the barony of Leiney
in Co. Sligo and the barony of Gallen in Co. Mayo.
4. Gregraighe, the leading sept of which may
have called O’Greggs, who held what is now the barony of Coolavin until the
Gailenga were expelled from their own territory by the MacSurtains (the
Anglo-Norman Jordans) and took it for their own.
5. Ciarraige, originally a
single kingdom broken up into five parts.
Ciarraige Locha
na nAirne,
whose leading sept were the O’Cierans, in modern Co. Mayo, in the modern barony
of Costello, who were, in fact, the leading sept of the all Ciarraige.
Ciarraige Aei, also known as
Clann Ceithearnaigh, of the Maigh Aei, home of the Sil Murray to whom they were
subject early on, in what is now central Co. Roscommon
in the Magh nAirtech in modern northwest Co. Roscommon, the civil parish of
Tibohine, also in Sil Murray
Ciarraige Oic
who lived among the Ui Fiachrach Aidne and were subject to them.
in the modern barony of Clanmorris, divided into the territories of Tir Nechtan
and Tir Enda.
6. Conmaicne, of which there
were seven groups in Connacht
Conmaicne Mara, in the modern
barony of Ballynahinch, Co. Galway, whose leading sept were the O’Kealys. Other septs were the MacConneelys, the
O’Clohertys, the O’Devaneys, and the MacFalons, who were their brehons. After the O’Flahertys took Tir Da Locha and
Connemara for their own, the O’Kealys emigrated to Ui Orbsen, now the barony of
Ross. In the 12th century,
these were the only Conmaicne in Connacht not yet a subject tribe.
Ceara, whose chiefs were the O’Colahans, occupied the northern
part of the barony of Carra in Co. Mayo, probably dominating the Partraige
Ceara who occupied the south part until the Fir Ceara branch of the Ui
Fiachrach came on scene.
Conmaicne Cuile
also known as Conmaicne Meic Oirbsen Mair, whose leading sept were the O’Talorans in the modern barony of
Kilmaine, Co. Roscommon.
Conmaicne Magh
whose chiefs were the MacReynolds, centered on the modern barony of
Mohill. They were conquered and made
subjects early on by the Ui Briuin Breifne.
Angaile, whose chiefs were the O’Farrell princes of Annally,
a territory coextensive with Co. Longford, reportedly began as the Munitir
Angaile cadets of Conmaicne Magh Rein.
Conmaicne Duna
also known as Conmaicne Cenel Dubain,
whose chiefs were the O’Sheehans. They occupied
the area known as Cenel Dubain in the later barony of Dunmore, Co. Galway.
Conmaicne Maenmaigh, also known as Conmaicne
Críche Meic Erca, who gave their name to the parish of Kilconickney
in Loughrea, Co. Galway, they were subject early on to the Ui Fiachrach Finn.
7. Partraige, of which there
were three groups
Partraige Ceara, whose kings were the O’Garvalys. Their territory
took in roughly the southern part of the barony of Carra in Co. Mayo, until the
influx of the Ui Fiachrach branch known as Fir Ceara, when they were confined
to Odhbhna, later known as (the parish of) Ballyovey, now called Partry.
Partraige Locha, whose chiefs
were the O’Dorchys, took in roughly the modern parish of Cong in the baronies of
Ross, Co. Galway, and of Kilmaine, Co. Mayo.
These Partraige were absorbed into Conmaicne Cuile Tolad during the 7th or 8th century.
Partraige an
whose kings were the O’Kynes. Their
territory correlated to the modern barony of Ross and was also called Ui Orbsen
according to some records. In the 13th century, the O’Kealys of Conmaicne Mara arrived after the O’Flahertys swarmed
into their territory along with that of their neighbors, the Debhna Tir Da
Locha. The Joyces came just a half
century later and the territory became Joyce Country, but they were much more
hospitable overlords than their southern neighbors.
8. Delbhna, of which there
were four groups in Connacht (and four in
Delbhna Tir Da
the kings of which were the MacConroys.
Their territory, coextensive with in the modern barony of Moycullen, was called Tir Da Locha, Land of the Two Lakes, and more poetically Gno. They were pushed out by the refugee
O’Flahertys in the 13th century, the MacConroys migrating to
Ballmaconry in Connemara and Ballyconry
on the coast of Thomond in Munster while the O’Heaneys moved first to the
Renvyle Peninsula in Connemara then to Claregalway on east of River Galway. In the 12th century, these were
the only Delbhna not yet a subject tribe.
Delbhna Cuile
who ruled Maigh Seola until conquered by the Ui Briuin who became the Muinti
Murchada then the O’Flahertys, after which they became a subject tribe, though
still acknowledged as kings even by their overlords.
Delbhna Nuadat, whose kings
were the O’Flannagans until they were conquered by and became a subject tribe
of the Ui Maine.
Sith Neannta,
whose chiefs were the O’Logues. Their
territory occupied the small area now called the townland of Fairymount in the
barony of Ballintober in Co. Roscommon, and they were subject early on to the
Sil Murray.
9. Corca, also called Cuirca
and Corcraige in the Book of Rights as well as Corco or Corcu elsewhere
Corca Fir Tri were the main
tribe of note named “Corca” in what is traditionally thought of as the kingdom
of Connacht. Their leading sept were the
O’Devlins. Once independent and
separate, they became part of the kingdom of the Luigne and Gailenga and
provided at least a few of its kings.
Corca Achlann, whose chiefs
were the MacBrennans and the O’Mitchells in the modern barony of Roscommon, were
another group.
Corca Mogha, whose chiefs
were the O’Scahills and the O’Broins, in the parish of Kilkeeran in the barony
of Killian in Co. Galway were yet another group.
were also two tribes in what is now County Clare and was once part of Connacht
until the ninth or tenth century that were termed Corco or Corca whose presence
undoubtedly dated back to the time when the area belonged to the province.
Corca Mruad in the
northwest corner of what is now Co. Clare in what became Tuadh Mumhan (Thomond)
under the Dal gCais (whose leading septs were the O’Briens) in the 10th century. The chiefs of the tuatha were
the O’Connors, unrelated to the dynasty that ruled Connacht. Around the 12th century, the
tuatha split into northern and southern branches, the latter retaining the name
Corca Mruad (now the barony of Corcomroe) and the ruling dynasty while the
latter became Boiren, ruled by the O’Loughlans.
Another sept of Corca Mruad was named the O’Flahertys, unrelated to the
O’Flahertys of Muintir Murchada.
Corca Baiscinn in the
southwest of modern Co. Clare, whose chiefs became the O’Baskins, related to
the Dal Riata of Ulster and Argyll as well as the Muscraige and Corca Duibhne
of Mumhan. They too divided into two
halves, east and west, one under the O’Baskins and the other under the
MacDermots. After the rise of the Dal gCais,
both fell under the MacMahons of that tribe.
kings receiving stipends from Cruachan
ancient Ireland, paying honor and respect went down as well as up, and the high
king of all Connacht paid annual stipends to a number of kings in the province. These included the kings of the following
King of Sil Murray
King of Umhall
King of Gregraighe
King of Delbhna (probably Tir Da Locha)
King of Conmaicne (probably Mara)
King of Ui Maine
King of Luigne
King of Ui Briuine (probably Breifne)
King of Ui Fiachrach Muaidhe
King of Cenel nAeda
King of Partraige (probably Carra)
tribes of Connacht
subject, tribute paying tribes of Connacht called Aithechtuatha, residents
of tricha cets ruled by members of the dominant regional dynasty are too
numerous to list individually, and, frankly, too complex to sort out, and would
be far too lengthy for a mere blog entry. None are listed in the Book of Rights, but
some are known from other sources.
Here’s some of the more interesting.
The Ui Cairpri in northern Co. Sligo and
northeast Co. Leitrim, whose leading sept became the O'Mulclohys of Carbery
Sogain, later written Sodhan, were a
tribe of Cruithne who became subject to and followed Ui Briuin Seola and whose
leading sept became the O’Mannings.
Calraige were another group not
listed in the Book of Rights and they had around a dozen or so branches in
Connacht, mostly in barony of Tirerag.
Mescraige were in Breifne (Tuisceart
Connacht); their chiefs became the MacGoverns of Tullyhaw while their cadets
became the MacTiernans of Tullyhunco, both in Co. Cavan.
Clan Tomaltaigh retained the name
into the historical era; their chiefs were the MacGeraghtys of Muintir Rodhuibh
in the barony of Roscommon.
Three Tuatha in Teora Connacht
included the Corca Achlan, the Cenel Dobhtha, and the Muintir O’Monaghan, the
last of which tried to pass as Ui Briuin na Sinna
The Seincheinol were the tribes
of the original Fir Bolg territory conquered by the Ui Maine, which did not
include the later conquests of Delbhna Nuadat and Ui Fiachrach Finn
tribes of Connacht up to the mid-11th century
the overthrow of the Fir Ol nEchmachta, the Ui Fiachrach gave the province its
first kings from the Connachta. They
began alternating with the Ui Briuin in the late 5th century until
the early 8th century, after which, with one exception, the Sil
Murray and Sil Cathail septs alternated until the former eclipsed the latter
entirely at the end of the century. The
original chiefs of Sil Murray became the O’Connors in the late 800s and as
high kings of all Connacht separate from their parent tribe.
Ireland is divided into counties.
Counties are divided into baronies.
Baronies are divided into (civil) parishes. Parishes are divided into townlands. In the list below, a place name without a designator
before the name of a county is a parish; a place name without a designator
before a barony is a parish; a place name before a parish without a designator
is a townland, or bally, from Irish “baile”.
baronies in Connacht, and in the rest of Ireland, have identical names to some
counties, and often there are more than once of these, but usually in the
county of the same name. The barony of
Roscommon is in Co. Roscommon. There is
a barony of Leitrim in Co. Leitrim.
There is a barony of Longford in Co. Longford. Co. Louth has a barony of Louth. There is a barony of Monaghan in Co.
Monaghan. Co. Galway, is the worst
offender, you might say, with another barony of Leitrim, another barony of
Longford, a barony of Clare, and a barony of Galway, as well as a barony of
Ballymoe, which is also the name of a barony in Co. Roscommon.
list is more or less from north to south, from Cos. Leitrim and Cavan, to Cos.
Mayo and Sligo, to Cos. Roscommon and Galway, with the three known tribes of
pre-Dal gCais Co. Clare which were likely part of the original Connacht.
“of” a territory were of its dominant sept; chiefs “in” a territory were of
subject sept. In contemporary records of
the time, all or most of these were called kings; the use of the titles lord
and chief comes from post-Conquest annalists.
before the 11th century, the Ui Ailello of Iochtar Connacht had been
crushed between the Ui Fiachrach Muaidhe to their west and the Ui Briuin
Breifne to the east.
Connacht and part of Iochtar Connacht
kings of Breifne, once Cos. Leitrim and Cavan, now just Co. Leitrim
princes of Muintir Maoilmhordha, now Co. Cavan
chiefs of Tullyhunco, Co. Cavan
(Magovern), chiefs of Tullaghagh, Co. Cavan
(Ford), chiefs of Clan Kenny, Innismagrath, Drumaghaire, Co. Leitrim
chiefs of Clan Fearmaighe, Drumaghaire, Co. Leitrim
chiefs of Cenel Luachain, Mohill, Co. Leitrim
chiefs of Dartraige, now Ross-Clogher, Co. Leitrim
chiefs of Calraige (Calry) in Cos. Leitrim and Sligo
chiefs of Calraige (Calry) in Cos. Leitrim and Sligo
chiefs of Magh Breacraighe on the borders of Cos. Leitrim and Longford
chiefs of Muintir O’Gearan, in Co. Leitrim
chiefs of Muintir Eoluis, now the baronies of Leitrim, Mohill, and Carrygallen
in Co. Leitrim
chiefs of Magh Nisi, west Co. Leitrim
chiefs in Muintir Maoilmhordha
chiefs of Tullgarvey, Co. Cavan
Connacht and part of Iochtar Connacht
kings of Tuisceart Connacht and Tir Amhalagiadh, modern Cos. Mayo and Sligo
chiefs of Ui Fiachrach Muaidhe in the baronies of Tireragh, Corran, and Costello
(Stone), chiefs of Cairbre, now the barony of Carbery, Co. Sligo
marshalls of Connacht, chiefs of Tir Oliolla, now the barony of Tirrell, Co.
Sligo, later princes of Moylurg, Co. Roscommon and princes of Coolavin, Co.
Sligo after deposing the O’Garas, rulers of Tir Tuathail, Arteach, and Clan
cadets to the MacDermotts, chiefs of Tirrell after them, chiefs of Corran, now
the barony of Corran, Co. Sligo
kings of Luigne, now the barony of Lieney, Co. Sligo, which once also took in
the baronies of Costello and Gallen in Co. Mayo
chiefs of Gallen (Gailenga, Sliabh Lugha) until expelled by the MacSurtains, chiefs of Coolavin under
the MacDermotts
chiefs of Corca Fir Tri, Corran, Co. Sligo
kings of Fir Ceara, now the barony of Carra, Co. Mayo, and of Lagan district in
the Tirawley, Co. Mayo
chiefs in Fir Ceara
chiefs in Fir Ceara
O’Colahan, chiefs of Conmaicne Ceara
O’Garvaly, chiefs of Partraige Ceara
chiefs of Cenel Fedhliniadh (Iorras Domnann), now the barony of Erris, Co. Mayo
chiefs in Iorras Domnann
chiefs in Iorras Domnann
chiefs in Iorras Domnann
chiefs in Calraige Moy Heleog, now the parish of Crossmolina, Co. Mayo
chiefs in Calraige Moy Heleog, Crossmolina, Co. Mayo
chiefs of the Two Bacs, now the parish of Backs, Co. Mayo
chiefs in Ui Eachach Muaidhe between Ballina and Killala
chiefs in Ui Eachach Muaidhe
chiefs of Breach Magh in the parish of Kilmore Moy, Co. Sligo
chief s of Bonnyconnellan, Gallen, Co. Mayo
chiefs of Bellahawnes (Ciarraghe Loch-na-nAirdneadh), Costello, Co. Mayo; at one time the territory took in parishes of Aghamore, Bekan, Ballyhaunis, and Knock.
chiefs of Cabra in Tireragh, Co. Mayo
chiefs of Clann Cuain with O’Mulleeney and MacFlannagan, Castlebar, Co. Mayo
chiefs of Tuath Ruisen, Carra, Co. Mayo
high kings of all Connacht
kings of Sil Murray
chief bards and historians of Connacht, Clooncraff, barony of Roscommon
chiefs of Sil Cathail, barony of Roscommon
chiefs in Sil Cathail
chiefs in Sil Cathail
chiefs in Sil Cathail
chiefs of Clan Conway and Clan Murchada
chiefs of Clan Uadach, Athlone, Co. Roscommon
chiefs of Cenel Dobhtha (one of the Three Tuatha), Balintober, Co. Roscommon
chiefs of Cenel Dobtha (one of the Three Tuatha), Co. Roscommon
chiefs of Corca Achlan (one of the Three Tuatha), Co. Roscommon
chiefs of Corca Achlan (one of the Three Tuatha), Co. Roscommon
chiefs of Muintir O’Monaghan (one of the Three Tuatha), aka Tir Briuin na Sinna
chiefs of Muintir O’Monaghan (one of the Three Tuatha), Balintober, Co.
chiefs of Clan Connor, barony of Roscommon
chief of Clan Fogarty, Balintober, Co. Roscommon
chiefs of Clan Clan Murthuile, Balintober, Co. Roscommon
chiefs of Ui Diarmida, in Athlone, Co. Roscommon and Ballymoe, Co. Galway
chiefs of Muintir Rodhuibh (Clan Tomaltaigh) in Co. Roscommon
chiefs in Muintir Rodhuibh (Clan Tomaltaigh) in Co. Roscommon
chiefs of Sil Maolruin, Balintober, Co. Roscommon
chiefs of Clan Teige Sil Maolruin, Balintober, Co. Roscommon
chiefs of Coill Fothaidh on the borders of Cos. Mayo and Roscommon
chiefs of Corca Mogha (Corcamoe) of Kilkeeran, Killian, Co. Galway
princes of Annaly (Conmaicne Angaile), equal to Co. Longford
chiefs of Cairpre Gabra
chiefs of Muintir Magilligan
chiefs of Corcard
chiefs of Muintir Maelsinna
chiefs of Cenel Dubain, Dunmore, Co. Galway
chiefs of Clann Taidg, Co. Galway
kings of Iar Connacht, Muintir Murchada, and Magh Seola
princes of Ui Briuin Seola and erenaghs of Annaghdown
O’Fechin, chiefs in Ui Briuin Seola
O’Balwin, chiefs in Ui Briuin Seola
O’Duff, chiefs in Ui Briuin Seola
O’Madden, chiefs in Ui Briuin Seola
chiefs of Ui Briuin Ratha
O’Kennedy, chiefs in Ui Briuin Ratha
O’Duinn, chiefs in Ui Briuin Ratha
O’Innog of Knockdoe, chiefs in Ui Briuin Ratha
O’Lynan of Lackagh, chiefs in Ui Briuin Ratha
O’Callanan, coarbs of Kilcahill, chiefs in Ui Briuin Ratha
erenaghs of Killursa
O’Canavan, chiefs of Tobrined (Tuath na d-Toibrineadh)
chiefs of Moylislionn
O’Colgan, chiefs of Ballycolgan
MacFinnan, coarbs of Kilcoona
O’Codel, chiefs of Ballycodel
O’Mulloon, chiefs of Ballymulloon
O’Mullawill, erenaghs of Donaghpatrick
O’Clercin, chiefs of Rathwee (Rath Buidh) and erenaghs of Kilkilvery
O’Lenaghan, erenaghs of Kilkilvery
O’Mullins, erenaghs of Kilkilvery
O’Mealey, chiefs of Bogogi and erenaghs of Kilmanagh and Kilnacoelan
O’Coragen, chiefs of Beagh
O’Casey, chiefs of Ballycasey
O’Hanly, chiefs of Derry Angli
MacBeolan, chiefs of Killower
MacKilkelly, chiefs of Ceanndruim, Athacind (Headford), and Cahernally
O’Donnell, chiefs of Ardratha
O’Daigean, chiefs of Ardfintan
O’Kieran, chiefs of Lischiaran
O’Conlacht, chiefs of Ballyconlacht
O’Mulloon, chiefs of Ballymulloon
O’Cargis, erenaghs of Rathhindile
O’Morrolly, chiefs of Muinne-in-radain
O’Mulleeny, chiefs of Ballycolu
O’Duagh, chiefs of the Drums
O’Dagda, chiefs of the Drums
O’Faherty, kings of Delbhna Cuile Fabhair, Muintir Faghartaigh, and Fiodh Luaraigh
O’Donnell of Ardrath, chiefs in Cuile Fabhair
O’Hughes, chiefs in Cuile Fabhair
kings of Delbhna Tir Dha Locha (now the barony of Moycullen), Muintir Conraoi, and Ballymaconry
O’Halloran, chiefs of Clan Fearghaill, Dunkellin, Co. Galway
O’Antuile, innkeepers of Clan Fearghaill
O’Fergus, erenaghs of Roscam
MacCarney, chiefs of Meadhraighe (Maree)
MacGowan, chiefs of Meadhraighe (Maree)
MacHugh, chiefs of Clan Cosgraig
O’Heaney, erenaghs of Ballynaspiddal
(Mac Giolla na Naomh, Ford), erenaghs of Cloghmore
kings of Conmaicne Mara, now the barony of Ballynahinch
chiefs of Ballyconneely
O’Devaney, chiefs in Conmaicne Mara
O’Cloherty, chiefs in Conmaicne Mara
O’Falon, brehons of Conmaicne Mara
kings of Partry (formerly Ballyovey, formerly Odhbhna), Carra, Co. Mayo
chiefs of Ui Orbsen and Partraige an-t Sliebh, now the barony of Ross, Co.
chiefs of Partraige Locha, now the parish of Cong
kings of Tir Umhall, now the baronies of Murrisk and Burrishoole, Co. Mayo
chiefs in Tir Umhall
chiefs in Tir Umhall
chiefs in Tir Umhall
kings of Conmaicne Cuile Tolad, now the barony of Kilmaine, Co. Mayo
Connacht, aka Aidne
kings of Deisceart Connacht and leading sept of Ui Fiachrach Aidne, centered on
the barony of Kiltartan and in part of Dunkellin, Co. Galway
princes in Ui Fiachrach Aidne
chiefs in Ui Fiachrach Aidne
chiefs in Ui Fiachrach Aidne
chiefs of Cean Gamhna, Ui Fiachrach Aidne
chiefs of Cenel Sedna, Ui Fiachrach Aidne
chiefs of Ceanridhe, Ui Fiachrach Aidne
chiefs of Cenel Aeda nEchtage, Kiltartan, Co. Galway
chiefs of Cenel Aeda nEchtage, Kiltartan, Co. Galway
chiefs of Oga Beathra (Ciarriage Aidne)
Connacht, aka Ui Maine
kings of Uachtar Connacht and leading sept of the Ui Maine
chiefs of Ui Cobthaigh, Ui Maine
chiefs of Sil Anamchadha, Ui Maine
chiefs in Sil Anamchadha, Ui Maine
(O’Lally), chiefs of Maenmoy (Ui Fiachrach Finn), Ui Maine
chiefs of Maenmoy (Ui Fiachrach Finn), Ui Maine
chiefs of Clan Cormac, Maenmoy, Co. Galway
chiefs of the area from the River Grian to the plain of Maenmoy, Ui Maine
chiefs of Clan Diarmada, Leitrim, Ui Maine, Co. Galway
chiefs of Pobal Muintir Ui Faithaigh, Ui Maine, Co. Galway
chiefs of Clan Fleming/Muintir Cionaith, Moycaron, Co. Roscommon, subject to
the Ui Maine
chiefs of Ui Duibhghind, Leitrim, Co. Galway
chiefs of Clan Breasil, Leitrim, Co. Galway
chiefs of Eidhnigh, Loughrea, Co. Galway
chiefs of Dal Druithne, Loughrea, Co. Galway
chiefs of Corca Mogha, Kilkeerin, Killian, Co. Galway
chiefs of Lough Gealgosa, Kilkerrin, Killian, Co. Galway
chiefs of Magh Finn and Bredagh, Athlone, Co. Roscommon
(O’Manning), chiefs of Sodhan, Tiaquin, Co. Galway. Their sub-chiefs were O’Lennon, MacWard,
O’Scurry, O’Cashin, O’Gialla, and O’Maigin.
chiefs of Cruffan, Killian and part of Ballymoe, Co. Galway
chiefs of Cruffan
chiefs of Cruffan
chiefs of Caladh, Kilconnell, Co. Galway
chiefs of Caladh
chiefs of Crannagh MacNevin, Tynagh, Leitrim, Co. Galway
chiefs of Onagh, Taghmaconnell, Athlone, Co. Roscommon
are some of the leading families in the area when it formed the southernmost
portion of the kingdom of the Ui Fiachrach Aidne in Connacht, before the a
group of Eoghanachta arrived from Munster and conquered the area for their own
in the 8th century. Two
centuries later, they in turn were displaced by rise of the Dal gCais, the
Deisi Tuaisceart of the east of the area under a new name.
the 11th century, of course, the Dal gCais were overlords of nearly
all the region as well as of Munster, but these roughly reflect the spheres of
influence at the time they lay under the domination of the Ui Fiachrach, before
the area was “Tuadh Mumhan”. The tribes
other than the Dal gCais are probably descended from the Gangani of Ptolemy’s
map and in his time.
kings of Corcomroe
kings of Burren
kings of Baiscind
chiefs of Baiscind
chiefs of Hy Cormaic (barony of Islands minus parish of Clondagad)
chiefs of Kineal Fearmaic (barony of
kings of Deisi Tuaisceart and chiefs of Ui Oenghusa
chiefs of Ui Toirdhealbhaigh
chiefs of Ogashin
chiefs of Omulled
chiefs of Ui Ronghaile
chiefs of Ogonnello
chiefs of Ui Cearnaigh
chiefs of Owney (Uaithni), now Owney (Uaithni Thire) in Co. Limerick, over
which they were directly chiefs, and Owneybeg (Uaithni Cliach) in Co. Tipperary,
over which the O'Cahalanes were chiefs under them. The other septs are the O’Heffernans and the
O’Lynchs. They occupied most of northern
Aidne and perhaps some of Iar Connacht at the turn of the era until the Ui
Fiachrach arrived, when they moved to what is now eastern Co. Clare, from which
they were later displaced by the Deisi Tuaisceart.
Corco Mruad Arann were kings of the Islands of Aran until the 8th century, when they were displaced by the Eoghanachta Ninussa. In the mid-12th century, these
were in turn displaced by MacTeige O’Briens.
Main Sources:
Crichaireacht cinedach nduchasa Muintiri Murchada, a tract listing the territories and chiefs of Muintir Murchada before
the expulsion of the O’Flahertys, c. 11th century
The Four Masters. The
Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, compiled 1632-1636
John O’Donovan, translator. The Book
of Rights, written 5th century CE, published 1848
John O’Donovan and Eugene Curry. Ordnance
Survey Letters, 1839. Clare County
John O’Donovan, translator. The
Topographical Poems of John O’Dugan, published 1862
Roderic O’Flaherty.
A Chorographic Description of West or h-Iar
Connaught, 1684
James Hardiman. “A Chorographical Description of West or H-Iar
Connaught Written A. D. 1684, Edited, from a Ms. In the Library of Trinity
College, Dublin, with Notes and Illustrations”. Journal of the Irish Archaeological Society, 1848
John O’Hart. Irish Pedigrees, or the Origin and Stem of
the Irish Nation, 1892
“Ireland’s History in Maps” website.
Various Irish related articles on Wikipedia
are the main sources; various other websites, webpages, books, magazines,
tracts, etc. were used to verify some of the info.