26 September 2018

Bi Visibility Day 2018

Since 1999, Bi Visibility Day, or International Celebrate Bisexuality Day, has been observed all over the world on 23 September.  Bisexuality is not a way station between the terminals of heterosexuality and homosexuality, but rather the obverse of a coin with the reverse being the monosexuality of which heterosexuality and homosexuality are variations. 

When I first posted the bi flag as my Facebook cover photo on in April 2017, I wrote:  “This is the bi pride flag. I couldn’t care less about “bi pride”, though I am bisexual and have known that since I was 15, but have made this my cover in solidarity with the gays being persecuted in Chechnya.”  Today, I have to change the statement above somewhat.

I do care about Bi Pride, and I care about Bi Visibility.  For me, bi visibility is not just just about resisting bi erasure, but about bisexuals coming out of the shadows to stand in solidarity with our LGTBQ+ siblings and cousins throughout the world.  It’s why for the past several months I have been involved with the Chattanooga Queer Community Forum and the Chattanooga Equality Project.  For bisexuals, particularly those more attracted to the opposite sex rather than the same sex, it is all too easy to hide.  Let us stand and be visible.

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