27 July 2018

"Next Time" Is Now!

In 1980, they told us, ‘Yeah, we know about Carter, but we have to keep Reagan out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 1984, they told us, ‘Yeah, we know about Mondale, but we have to get Reagan out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 1988, they told us, ‘Yeah, we know about Dukakis, but we have to keep Bush out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 1992, they told us, “Yeah, we know about Clinton, but we have to get Bush out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

1n 1996, they told us, ‘Yeah, we still know about Clinton, but we have to keep Dole out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 2000, they told us, ‘Yeah, we know about Gore, but we have to keep Bush out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 2004, they told us, ‘Yeah, we know about Kerry, but we have to get Bush out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 2008, they told us, ‘Yeah, we know about Obama, but we have to keep McCain and Palin out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 2012, they told us, ‘Yeah, we still know about Obama, but we have to keep Romney and his healthcare plan out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 2016, they told us, ‘Yeah, we know about Clinton, but we have to keep Trump out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 2020, it's time we told the Democratic Party Establishment (DPE), ‘Fuck you and the sickly pale centrist, neoliberal, dog-whistle racist-white supremacist horse you rode in on.

The foregoing was adapted from part of a piece I did for a podcast of Left Ungagged (https://leftungagged.org/) during the USA's 2016 election campaign.

The delusion of the Democratic Party as a progressive vehicle through which the Left could influence American politics originated through the early Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and other New Left entities, primarily from the ranks of the white middle class.

After rejecting Clinton and the Democratic Party enthralled to him and his fellow neo-Dixiecrats of the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) over their over the mewling centrism, neoliberalism, and dog-whistle racism, I looked at the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), but couldn't stomach it's then Michael Harrington-inspired slavish compliance with whatever direction the Dems took.  So I joined the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), but found it too as slavishly obedient to the Democratic Party I was trying to leave.  Thankfully, both those entities have changed direction and rather than follow the DP are actively seeking to change it.

Our day will come, inshallah.  Keep the faith.  May the Aught be with you.

* * * * *

A New Party of a New Type


Russiagate is a ghost story for liberals


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