21 August 2021

Timeline of the Original Star Wars Expanded Universe

by Nathaniel Ross

This timeline is limited to the works of the one and only Star Wars Expanded Universe as originally published or released, pre-Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

I should note that I enjoy the Star Wars: The Clone Wars and consider it and its spinoffs (Star Wars: Rebels, The Mandalorian, and Star Wars: Resistance) to be excellent both in terms of entertainment and of story-telling.  But I love my old Star Wars Expanded Universe, its stories and characters, and this timeline is my way of preserving it.

It all started with George Lucas tinkering with the original Star Wars movie to turn heroic scoundrel Han Solo into vanilla hero Han Solo by altering the sequence of the “Han shot first” scene in the Mos Eisley cantina.  It ended with the April 2014 declaration by Disney Corporation that the set of works known as the Star Wars Expanded Universe were no longer valid, with the whole kit-and-kaboodle rebranded as Star Wars Legends. 

In between we had the affirmation by Leland Chee that where the prior SWEU chronology and that of the 2008 cartoon Star Wars: The Clone Wars conflicted the timeline of then new TV series took precedence.  After that, I sold everything I had of Star Wars, a collection which included all the movies, the novels, and the comics to that date, to used media resale shops and washed my hands of Star Wars until the COVID-19 pandemic.

My revival of interest began with my own personal fan edits of the Star Wars prequel trilogy.  Most of those done by others I’d seen crushed the entire three films into one single entity between two and two-and-a-half hours in length.  These shitcanned a wealth of great material, which is why I did my own.  With Phantom Menace, I cut out almost all of the Jar-Jar Binks shenanigans and every single mention of the damned midichlorians.  For the other two installments of the prequel series, my re-editing mostly involved adding sections from deleted scenes (which I’ve also done for the “classic” trilogy).  Those are purely for my own personal viewing, of course.

Anyway, that’s what revived my interest in Star Wars.  Reviewing timelines on Wookipedia and various Essential and New Essential works, I found in the case of the former that the Legends timelines are a bastardized mix of official canon, particularly with respect to their inclusion of Star Wars: The Clone Wars material.  In the case of the latter, while rereading novels and comics that I loved I realized that those who composed the Essential and New Essential works probably may not have read everything because information internal to them placed many at other points in the timeline than the Essential and New Essential works suggest.

Titles of novels and films are italicized, while those of comics are not; titles of short stories are bookended by quotation marks.  In the case of short stories and in some cases comics, the publication in which they originally appeared is included in parentheses if not part of the title.

Given that it was the gremlin which threw the timeline for the Star Wars Expanded Universe out of whack, the TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars should be completely excised from SWEU.  It is simply incompatible with the chronology that had already been established for SWEU, and since it is the basis for the “new” timeline, that solution only makes sense.  Besides, while I’m an Asoka Tahno fan, I hate what the show did with Bariss Offee.  For these reasons, the Star Wars: The Clone Wars novel series (novelization of the eponymous movie, Wild Space, No Prisoners, Gambit: Stealth, and Gambit: Siege) has been deliberately left out.

As for other alterations in sequence, for example, I’ve relocated The Cestus Deception from where it is usually placed (the timeline in the pages before the story begins place it 12 months after the Battle of Geonosis) because within the body of it the Battle of Jabiim featured in Star Wars: Republic 55-58 is mentioned as a past event.  That and events related thereto require the Cestus story be set approximately where I have it.  In another case, a banner at the head of the first installment of “Hero of Cartao” states it take place a year after the Battle of Geonosis but in the body of the segment itself it is clear the time since that event is twice what the banner says.

The Old Republic

36,353/25,793 BBY

Dawn of the Jedi 1-5: Force Storm
Dawn of the Jedi 6-10: Prisoner of Bogon
Dawn of the Jedi 11-15: Force War

Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void

“Dawn of the Jedi: Eruption”

5000 BBY

Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith
Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire

The Lost Tribe of the Sith: Precipice (prequel to Fate of the Jedi)
The Lost Tribe of the Sith: Skyborn (prequel to Fate of the Jedi)

4985 BBY

The Lost Tribe of the Sith: Paragon (prequel to Fate of the Jedi)

4974 BBY

The Lost Tribe of the Sith: Savior (prequel to Fate of the Jedi)

4000 BBY

Tales of the Jedi: Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon
Tales of the Jedi: The Saga of Nomi Sunrider

3998 BBY

Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising

3997 BBY

Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith

3996 BBY

Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War

3986 BBY

Tales of the Jedi: Redemption

3964 BBY

Knights of the Old Republic 0: Crossroads
Knights of the Old Republic 1-6: Commencement
Knights of the Old Republic 7-8: Flashpoint Parts 1 & 2

3963 BBY

Knights of the Old Republic 9: Flashpoint Interlude: Homecoming
Knights of the Old Republic 10: Flashpoint, Part 3
Knights of the Old Republic 11-12: Reunion
Knights of the Old Republic 13-15: Days of Fear
Knights of the Old Republic 16-18: Nights of Anger
Knights of the Old Republic 19-21: Daze of Hate
Knights of the Old Republic 22-24: Knights of Suffering
Knights of the Old Republic 25-28: Vector
Knights of the Old Republic 29-30: Exalted
Knights of the Old Republic 31: Turnabout
Knights of the Old Republic 32-35: Vindication
Knights of the Old Republic 36-37: Prophet Motive
Knights of the Old Republic 38: Faithful Execution
Knights of the Old Republic 39-41: Dueling Ambitions
Knights of the Old Republic 42: Masks
Knights of the Old Republic 43-44: The Reaping
Knights of the Old Republic 45-46: Destroyer
Knights of the Old Republic 47-50: Demon

3962 BBY

Knights of the Old Republic: War

3960 BBY

The Lost Tribe of the Sith: Purgatory (prequel to Fate of the Jedi)
The Lost Tribe of the Sith: Sentinel (prequel to Fate of the Jedi)

3954 BBY

The Old Republic: Revan, Part 1

3678 BBY

The Old Republic: Blood of the Empire

3667 BBY

“The Old Republic: The Third Lesson”

3660 BBY

“The Old Republic: Smuggler’s Vanguard”

3653 BBY

The Old Republic: Deceived

The Old Republic: Threat of Peace

3950 BBY

The Old Republic: Revan, Part 2

“The Last Battle of Colonel Jace Malcom” (Star Wars Insider 137)

3645 BBY

Red Harvest (prequel to Death Troopers)

3643 BBY

The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance

The Old Republic: The Lost Suns

3640 BBY

The Old Republic: Annihilation

3000 BBY

The Old Republic: Revan, Epilogue

The Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pantheon (prequel to Fate of the Jedi)
The Lost Tribe of the Sith: Secrets (prequel to Fate of the Jedi)

2975 BBY

The Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pandemonium (prequel to Fate of the Jedi)

2974 BBY

The Lost Tribe of the Sith: Spiral (prequel to Fate of the Jedi)

1032 BBY

Knight Errant: Aflame

Knight Errant

Knight Errant: Deluge
Knight Errant: Escape

1003 BBY

Darth Bane: Path of Destruction

1000 BBY

Jedi vs. Sith

1000-990 BBY

Darth Bane: Rule of Two

980 BBY

Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil

Late Republic

89 BBY

Legacy of the Jedi, Part 1 (Thame Cerulian & Dooku)

76 BBY

Legacy of the Jedi, Part 2 (Dooku & Qui-Gon Jinn)

72 BBY

Legacy of the Jedi, Part 3 (Dooku & Qui-Gon Jinn)

67 BBY

“The Tenebrous Way” (Star Wars Insider 130)

Vow of Justice (Star Wars 4-6)

65 BBY

Darth Plagueis, Part 1: Enlistment

58 BBY

Jango Fett: Open Seasons 1 (flashback)

53 BBY

Jedi: The Dark Side

52 BBY

Darth Plagueis, Part 2: Apprenticed to Power

Jango Fett: Open Seasons 2 (flashback)

47 BBY

Tales 13: Children of the Force

44 BBY

Jango Fett: Open Seasons 3 (flashback)

Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force
Jedi Apprentice: Dark Rival
Jedi Apprentice: The Hidden Past
Jedi Apprentice: The Mark of the Crown
Jedi Apprentice: The Defenders of the Dead
Jedi Apprentice: The Uncertain Path
Jedi Apprentice: The Captive Temple
Jedi Apprentice: The Day of Reckoning

Legacy of the Jedi, Part 4 (Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Star Wars 36-39: The Stark Hyperspace War (main events)

43 BBY

Jedi Apprentice: The Fight for Truth
Jedi Apprentice: The Shattered Peace

42 BBY

Jango Fett: Open Seasons 4 (flashback)

41 BBY

Jedi Apprentice: The Deadly Hunter
Jedi Apprentice: The Evil Experiment
Jedi Apprentice: The Dangerous Rescue
Jedi Apprentice: Special Edition: Deceptions (chap. 1-10)
Jedi Apprentice: Ties That Bind
Jedi Apprentice: The Death of Hope
Jedi Apprentice: The Call to Vengeance

40 BBY

Jedi Apprentice: The Only Witness
Jedi Apprentice: The Threat Within

39 BBY

Secrets of the Jedi, Part I

38 BBY

Jedi Apprentice: Special Edition: The Followers (chap. 1-12)

Qui-Gon and Obi-wan: The Aurorient Express

37 BBY

Qui Gon and Obi-wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantel

36 BBY

Aurra’s Song

33 BBY

Jedi Council: Acts of War

Star Wars 0-6: Prelude to Rebellion

Darth Maul 1-4

Darth Maul: Saboteur

Tales 3: Deal with a Demon

Maul: Lockdown (small prelude to New Jedi Order)

32 BBY

Cloak of Deception

Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter

Darth Plagueis, Part 3: Mastery, Chaps. 22-28

Legacy of the Jedi, Part 5  (Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
    Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (novelization)
    Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (comic adaptation)

Darth Plagueis, Part 3: Mastery, Chaps. 29-30, Epilogue

Jango Fett: Open Seasons (frame)

Star Wars 7-12: Outlander
Star Wars 13-18: Emissaries to Malastre

31 BBY

Star Wars 19-22: Twilight
Star Wars 23-26: Infinity’s End
Star Wars 27: Star Crash

30 BBY

Star Wars 28-31: The Hunt for Aurra Sing

Heart of Fire (Dark Horse Extra 35-37)

Star Wars 32-35: Darkness
Star Wars 36-39: The Stark Hyperspace War (frame)
Star Wars 40-41: The Devaronian Version
Star Wars 42-45: Rite of Passage

29 BBY

Jedi Apprentice: Special Edition: Deceptions (chap. 11-23)

Rogue Planet (prelude to New Jedi Order)

28 BBY

Jedi Apprentice: Special Edition: The Followers (chap. 13-27)

Jedi Quest: The Path to Truth

Jedi Quest

27 BBY

Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice

Outbound Flight (precursor to Thrawn Trilogy & Survivor’s Quest)

Jedi Quest: The Trial of the Jedi
Jedi Quest: The Dangerous Games

The Bounty Hunters: Aurra Sing
Jango Fett
Zam Wessell

26 BBY

Starfighter: Crossbones

25 BBY

Jedi Quest: The Master of Disguise
Jedi Quest: The School of Fear
Jedi Quest: The Shadow Trap
Jedi Quest: The Moment of Truth
Jedi Quest: The Changing of the Guard
Jedi Quest: The False Peace

24 BBY

Visionaries: The Eyes of Revolution

Republic 46-48: Honor and Duty

Tales 18: The Way of the Warrior

23 BBY

Jedi Quest: The Final Showdown

The Clone Wars


22 BBY

The Approaching Storm

Legacy of the Jedi, Part 6 (Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker)

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
    Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (novelization)
    Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (comic adaptation)

Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive

Clone Wars Adventures 8: One of a Kind

Boba Fett: Crossfire

Republic 49: Sacrifice (1 mo ABG)

Boba Fett: Maze of Deception

“The Pengalan Tradeoff” (2 mo ABG; Star Wars Insider 65)

Clone Wars Adventures 3: Rogue’s Gallery

Star Wars: Clone Wars, Episodes 1-20 (2 mo ABG)

Republic 50: The Defense of Kamino (2-3 mo ABG)

Boba Fett: Hunted

Republic 51-52: The New Face of War (10 wks ABG)

Republic Commando: Hard Contact (3 mo ABG)

“League of Spies”(3 mo ABG; Star Wars Insider 73)

Clone Wars Adventures 8: Old Scores (3 mo ABG)

Jedi: Mace Windu (3 mo ABG)

“Omega Squad: Targets” (4 mo ABG; Star Wars Insider 181)

Tales 14: Tides of Terror (4 mo ABG)

Republic 53: Blast Radius (4 mo ABG)

“Storm Fleet Warnings” (4 mo ABG; Star Wars Short Story Collection)

“Duel” (4 mo ABG; Hasbro Short Story Collection)

Clone Wars Adventures 1: Fierce Currents
Clone Wars Adventures 10: Graduation Day
Clone Wars Adventures 1: Blind Force
Clone Wars Adventures 1: Heavy Metal Jedi
Clone Wars Adventures 2: Hide in Pain (5 mo ABG)
Clone Wars Adventures 2: Run Mace Run
Clone Wars Adventures 2: Skywalkers
Clone Wars Adventures 3: The Package
Clone Wars Adventures 3: A Stranger in Town
Clone Wars Adventures 3: One Battle
Clone Wars Adventures 7: Spy Girls
Clone Wars Adventures 7: This Precious Shining
Clone Wars Adventures 8: Versus
Clone Wars Adventures 8: Pathways
Clone Wars Adventures 9: Appetite for Adventure
Clone Wars Adventures 9: Life Below
Clone Wars Adventures 9: No Way Out
Clone Wars Adventures 10: Chain of Command
Clone Wars Adventures 10: Waiting

Jedi: Shaak Ti (5 mo ABG)

Republic 54: Double Blind (6 mo ABG)

Shatterpoint (6 mo ABG)

“Equipment” (6 mo ABG; Star Wars Short Story Collection)

Jedi: Aayla Secura (6 mo ABG)

Clone Wars Adventures 7: Impregnable (6 mo ABG)

Jedi: Dooku (7.5 mo ABG)

SkyeWalkers: A Clone Wars Story

21 BBY

Tales 22: Honor Bound (10 mo ABG)

Republic Commando: Triple Zero (12-14 mo ABG)

“Republic Commando: Odds” (16 mo ABG; Star Wars Insider 87)

Republic 55-58: The Battle of Jabiim
    Part 1 - The Rainmakers (15 mo ABG)
    Part 2 - Stormchasers (16 mo ABG)
    Part 3 - Lightning Rods (16 mo ABG)
    Part 4 - Floodgates (16.5 mo ABG)
Republic 59: Enemy Lines (16 mo ABG)
Republic 60: Hate and Fear (16 mo ABG)
Republic 61: Dead Ends (16 mo ABG)
Republic 62: No Man’s Land (16 mo ABG)
Republic 63: Striking from the Shadows (16 mo ABG)
Republic 64: Bloodlines (16 mo ABG)

Jedi: Yoda (17 mo)

20 BBY

Republic 65-66: Show of Force (17 mo ABG)
Republic 67: Forever Young (18 mo)

Republic Commando: True Colors (15.5-18.25 mo ABG)

Clone Wars Adventures 5: Bailed Out
Clone Wars Adventures 5: Heroes on Both Sides
Clone Wars Adventures 6: It Takes a Thief
Clone Wars Adventures 6: Means and Ends

General Grievous (20 mo ABG)

The Cestus Deception

The Hive (e-book)

“Hero of Cartao” (24 mo ABG; Star Wars Insider 68-70)

Medstar I: Battle Surgeons (24 mo ABG)
“Medstar: Intermezzo” (24 mo ABG; Star Wars Insider 83)
Medstar II: Jedi Healer (24 mo ABG)

Republic 68: Armor (24 mo ABG)

Jedi Trial (30 mo ABG)

Yoda: Dark Rendezvous (30 mo ABG)

Clone Wars Adventures 4: Another Fine Mess

Republic 69-71: Dreadnaughts of Rendili (30 mo ABG)

Clone Wars Adventures 10: Thunder Road
Clone Wars Adventures 4: The Brink
Clone Wars Adventures 7: Creature Comforts
Clone Wars Adventures 6: The Drop

Routine Valor (30 mo ABG)

Republic 72-73: Trackdown (6 mo b4 RotS)

Obsession 1-7 (31 mo ABG)

Brothers in Arms (32 mo ABG)

19 BBY

Secrets of the Jedi, Part II

Boba Fett: A New Threat
Boba Fett: Pursuit

Republic 74-77: Siege of Saleucami (3 wks b4 RotS)

Clone Wars Adventures 5: What Goes Up…

Evasive Action: Reversal of Fortune

Clone Wars Adventures 6: To the Vanishing Point

Labyrinth of Evil (begins 33 mo ABG)

Star Wars: Clone Wars, Episodes 21-25

Star Wars Episode III: Return of the Sith
    Star Wars Episode III: Return of the Sith (novelization)
    Star Wars Episode III: Return of the Sith (comic adaptation)

The Dark Times

Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel (24.5-36.5 mo ABG)

Republic 81-83: Hidden Enemy (concurrent w/ RotS)

Clone Wars Adventures 4: Orders
Clone Wars Adventures 5: The Order of Outcasts
Clone Wars Adventures 4: Descent

Darrus Jeht Saga (Wizards of the Coast)
    “Conflict and Mastery”
    “The Duel”
    “Conversation in Shadow”
    “Dark Heart”
    “Marching Orders”
    “Dark Hands”
    “Dark Soul”
    “Dark Hope”
    “Living Force: Dark Shadows”
    “Living Force: One Minute to Midnight”
    “Living Force: Last Stand”

Republic 79-80: Into the Unknown (concurrent w/ RotS)

“Mist Encounter” (Star Wars Adventure Journal 7)

Republic 78: Loyalties (2 wks after RotS)

Evasive Action: Recruitment

“Lone Wolf: A Tale of Obi-Wan and Luke”


Purge (37 mo ABG)

Clone Wars Adventures 9: Salvaged

Darth Vader and the Lost Command

Dark Times 1-5: The Path to Nowhere

Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader

Imperial Commando: 501st (38 mo ABG)

Dark Times 6-10: Parallels
Dark Times 11-12: Vector

Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight

Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison
Dark Times 12.5-17: Blue Harvest
Dark Times 18-22: Out of the Wilderness
Dark Times 23-27: Fire Carrier
Dark Times 28-32: A Spark Remains

Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin

18 BBY

The Last of the Jedi: The Desperate Mission
The Last of the Jedi: Dark Warning
The Last of the Jedi: Underworld
The Last of the Jedi: Death on Naboo
The Last of the Jedi: A Tangled Web
The Last of the Jedi: Return to the Dark Side
The Last of the Jedi: Secret Weapon
The Last of the Jedi: Against the Empire
The Last of the Jedi: Master of Deception
The Last of the Jedi: Reckoning

Coruscant Nights II: Street of Shadows

Evasive Action: Prey
Evasive Action: End Game

Coruscant Nights III: Patterns of Force

“A Two-Edged Sword” (Star Wars Insider 85)

17 BBY

The Last Jedi

Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows

Late Empire

10 BBY

The Han Solo Trilogy 1: The Paradise Snare

5.5 BBY

Droids Special
Droids: The Kalarba Adventures
Droids: Rebellion
Droids: Season of Revolt
Droids: The Protocol Offensive

5-4 BBY

The Han Solo Trilogy 2: The Hutt Gambit

“A Hunter’s Fate: Greedo’s Tale” (Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)

Jabba the Hutt: The Art of the Deal


Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire

The Adventures of Lando Calrissian
    Lando Calrissian and the Mind of Sharu
    Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon
    Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka

Agent of Empire: Iron Eclipse
Agent of Empire: Hard Targets


The Adventures of Han Solo
    Han Solo At Star’s End
    Han Solo’s Revenge
    Han Solo and the Lost Legacy

Blood Ties: A Tale of Jango and Boba Fett
Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead

The Force Unleashed
The Force Unleashed


The Force Unleashed II
The Force Unleashed II

Tales 1&2: Extinction

Empire 1-4: Betrayal

Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika

Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire

Death Troopers

Empire 10-11: The Short Happy Life of Roons Sewell


X-Wing Rogue Squadron 1/2 Wizard Special

“Interlude at Darknell” (Tales from the New Republic)

The Rebellion

Shadow Games

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (novelization)
    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (comic adaptation)

Tales 9: Resurrection

Empire 8-9, 12: Darklighter

Empire 5-6: Princess Warrior

The Han Solo Trilogy 3: Rebel Dawn

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
    Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (novelization)
    Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (comic adaptation)

Empire 15: Darklighter
Empire 13: What Sin Loyalty?
Empire 14: The Savage Heart

Death Star

Tales from Mos Eisley Cantina

“Heist” (Star Wars Insider 138)

Winner Take All: A Lando Calrissian Tale


Empire 7: Sacrifice

Vader’s Quest

Shadow Stalker

Empire 16-18: To the Last Man
Empire 19: Target Vader

Hand of Judgement: Allegiance

Empire 20-21: A Little Piece of Home
Empire 22: Alone Together
Empire 23: The Bravery of Being Out of Range
Empire 24-25: Idiot’s Array
Empire 26-27: “General” Skywalker
Empire 28: Wreckage
Empire 29-34: In the Shadow of Their Fathers
Empire 31: The Price of Power
Empire 35: Model Officer
Empire 36-40: The Wrong Side of the War

Hand of Judgement: Choices of One

Rebellion 000: Crossroads
Rebellion 001-005: My Brother, My Enemy

Boba Fett: Overkill

Rebellion 006-010: The Ahakista Gambit

Rebel Heist

Rebellion 011-014: Small Victorie
Rebellion 015-016: Vector


Empire and Rebellion: Honor Among Thieves

Galaxies: The Ruins of Dantooine

Tales: Lady Luck

“Lando Calrissian: Idiot’s Array” (Hyperspace)

Boba Fett: Salvage


Splinter of the Mind’s Eye
Splinter of the Mind’s Eye

“Side Trip” (Tales from the Empire)

“Command Decision” (Star Wars Adventures 11)

Empire and Rebellion: The Razor’s Edge


A Valentine Story

Tales 17: Ghosts of Hoth

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
    Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (novelization)
    Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (comic adaptation)

Tales of the Bounty Hunters (except “The Last One Standing”)

“The Emperor’s Trophy” (Star Wars Galaxy 11)

Tales from Mos Eisley

Shadows of the Empire
Shadows of the Empire

The Bounty Hunters: Scoundrel’s Wages


Star Wars Episode VI: Revenge of the Jedi
    Star Wars Episode VI: Revenge of the Jedi (novelization)
    Star Wars Episode VI: Revenge of the Jedi (comic adaptation)

“Sleight of Hand” (Tales from Jabba’s Palace)

Tales from Jabba’s Palace

The Bounty Hunter Wars: The Mandalorian Armor
The Bounty Hunter Wars: Slave Ship
The Bounty Hunter Wars: Hard Merchandise

Truce at Bakura

Mara Jade – By the Emperor’s Hand

Tales 23: Lucky

Tales 1: Mara Jade: A Night on the Town

The New Republic

X-Wing Rogue Leader

X-Wing Rogue Squadron Special

X-Wing Rogue Squadron 1-4: The Rebel Opposition
X-Wing Rogue Squadron 5-8: The Phantom Affair
X-Wing Rogue Squadron 9-12: Battleground Tatooine

Shadows of the Empire: Evolution

The Jabba Tape

X-Wing Rogue Squadron 13-16: The Warrior Princess
X-Wing Rogue Squadron 17-20: Requiem for a Rogue
X-Wing Rogue Squadron 21-24: In the Empire’s Service
X-Wing Rogue Squadron 25-27: Blood and Honor
X-Wing Rogue Squadron 28-31: Masquerade
X-Wing Rogue Squadron 32-35: Mandatory Retirement

“Handoff” (Star Wars Gamer 10)

“Lumiya: Dark Star of the Empire” (Star Wars Galaxy 3)


Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor

Dark Forces 2: Rebel Agent
Dark Forces 3: Jedi Knights

Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction

Tales 5: Lando’s Commandos: On Eagles’ Wings


“Missed Chance” (Tales from the Empire)

X-Wing: Rogue Squadron


X-Wing: Wedge’s Gamble
X-Wing: The Krytos Trap
X-Wing: The Bacta War
X-Wing: Wraith Squadron
X-Wing: Iron Fist


X-Wing: Solo Command

“First Contact” (Tales from the Empire)

Crisis of Faith

“Crossroads” (Hyperspace)

The Courtship of Princess Leia

Corphelion Interlude

A Forest Apart (e-book)

Tatooine Ghost


The Thrawn Trilogy: Heir to Empire
The Thrawn Trilogy: Dark Force Rising
The Thrawn Trilogy: The Last Command
The Thrawn Trilogy: Heir to Empire
The Thrawn Trilogy: Dark Force Rising
The Thrawn Trilogy: The Last Command

X-Wing: Isard’s Revenge

10 ABY

“Boba Fett: No Disintegrations, Please” (Tales from the New Republic)

“Retreat from Coruscant” (Tales from the Empire)

The Dark Empire Trilogy: Dark Empire
The Dark Empire Trilogy: Dark Empire II
The Dark Empire Trilogy: Empire’s End

Boba Fett: Death, Lies, & Treachery

11 ABY

Boba Fett: Agent of Doom

The Jedi Academy Trilogy: Jedi Search
The Jedi Academy Trilogy: Dark Apprentice
The Jedi Academy Trilogy: Champion of the Force

I, Jedi

Crimson Empire
The Bounty Hunters: Kenix Kil
Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood

12 ABY

Jedi Academy: Leviathan

The Callista Trilogy: Children of the Jedi
The Callista Trilogy: Darksaber

13 ABY

X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar

The Callista Trilogy: Planet of Twilight

Crimson Empire III: Empire Lost

14 ABY

The Crystal Star

16-17 ABY

The Black Fleet Crisis: Before the Storm
The Black Fleet Crisis: Shield of Lies
The Black Fleet Crisis: Tyrant’s End

17 ABY

The New Rebellion

18 ABY

“Jade Solitaire” (Tales from the New Republic)

The Corellian Trilogy: Ambush at Corellia
The Corellian Trilogy: Assault as Selonia
The Corellian Trilogy: Showdown at Centerpoint

19 ABY

“The Last One Standing” (Tales of the Bounty Hunters)

Hand of Thrawn: Specter of the Past
Hand of Thrawn: Vision of the Future



22 ABY

Fool’s Bargain (e-book)

Survivor’s Quest

23 ABY

Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force
Young Jedi Knights: Shadow Academy
Young Jedi Knights: The Lost Ones
Young Jedi Knights: Lightsabers
Young Jedi Knights: Darkest Knight
Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Under Siege
Young Jedi Knights: Shards of Alderaan

24 ABY

Young Jedi Knights: Diversity Alliance
Young Jedi Knights: Delusions of Grandeur
Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Bounty
Young Jedi Knights: The Emperor’s Plague
Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantel
Young Jedi Knights: Trouble on Cloud City
Young Jedi Knights: Crisis at Crystal Reef

The New Jedi Order

(Rogue Planet; 29 BBY)

Boba Fett: A Practical Man (e-book)

25 ABY

The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime

Chewbacca 1-4

Invasion: Refugees
Invasion: Rescues
Invasion: Revelations

The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide 1: Onslaught

Tales 18: Revenants

The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide 2: Ruin
The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos 1: Hero’s Trial
The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos 2: Jedi Eclipse

26 ABY

The New Jedi Order: Balance Point
The New Jedi Order: Recovery
The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory 1: Conquest
The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory 2: Rebirth

27 ABY

“Emissary of the Void” (Star Wars Gamer 8-10, Star Wars Insider 62-64)

The New Jedi Order: Star by Star
The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey

“The Apprentice” (Star Wars Gamer 8)

The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines 1: Rebel Dream
The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines 2: Rebel Dawn
The New Jedi Order: Traitor

28 ABY

The New Jedi Order: Destiny’s Way
The New Jedi Order: Ylesia (e-book)
The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic 1: Remnant

Tales 21: Equals & Opposites

The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic 2: Refugee
The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic 3: Reunion

“Or Die Trying” (Star Wars Insider 75)

29 ABY

The New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy
The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force

Legacy of the Force

35 ABY

Dark Nest: The Joiner King

36 ABY

Dark Nest: The Unseen Queen
Dark Nest: The Swarm War

40 ABY

Legacy of the Force: Betrayal
Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines
Legacy of the Force: Tempest
Legacy of the Force: Exile
Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice
Legacy of the Force: Inferno
Legacy of the Force: Fury

41 ABY

Legacy of the Force: Revelation
Legacy of the Force: Invincible


43 ABY

Millenium Falcon

Fate of the Jedi: Outcast
Fate of the Jedi: Omen
Fate of the Jedi: Abyss
Fate of the Jedi: Backlash

44 ABY

Fate of the Jedi: Allies
Fate of the Jedi: Vortex
Fate of the Jedi: Conviction
Fate of the Jedi: Ascension
Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse

45 ABY

X-Wing: Mercy Kill



130 ABY

Legacy 0 & 0.5: Introduction
Legacy 1: Broken, Part 1

137 ABY

Legacy 2-6: Broken, Part 2-6
Legacy 7: Allies
Legacy 8: Noob
Legacy 9-10: Trust Issues
Legacy 11-12: Ghosts
Legacy 13: Ready to Die
Legacy 14-19: Claws of the Dragon
Legacy 20-21: Indomitable
Legacy 22: The Wrath of the Dragon
Legacy 23-24: Loyalties
Legacy 25-26: The Hidden Temple
Legacy 27: Into the Core
Legacy 28-31: Vector
Legacy 32-33: Fight Another Day
Legacy 34-35: Storms
Legacy 36: Renegade
Legacy 37-40: Tatooine
Legacy 41: Rogue’s End
Legacy 42: Divided Loyalties
Legacy 43-46: Monster
Legacy 47: The Fate of Dac

138 ABY

Legacy 48-50: Extremes

Legacy: War

Legacy Volume II 1-5: Prisoner of the Floating World
Legacy Volume II 6-10: Outcasts of the Broken Ring
Legacy Volume II 11-15: Wanted: Ania Solo
Legacy Volume II 16-18: Empire of One


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