15 November 2017

One Nation Under Fire

A week and a half ago, an entitled white male conservative Christianist in Sutherland Springs, Texas, here in Neverland attended Sunday morning service with his AR-15 and several extended clips of ammunition.  When he left, 27 people were dead and another 20 wounded.  

Thoughts and prayers.  Thoughts and prayers. Moment of silence.  Thoughts and prayers.  

By the end of the week, the massacre was no longer featured in the news as various news outlets found fresh sets of shiny new keys to jangle in front of the masses.  

Thoughts and prayers.  Thoughts and prayers. Moment of silence.  Thoughts and prayers.  

As of this writing, 1608 EST on 15 November, guns have killed 13,579 people in 2017 and wounded 27,679 more, including 317 mass shootings but not counting the 22,000 annual average suicides by gun.  Count those and the body count rises to 35,579, more than twice the death rate among American military personnel in Viet Nam in the peak year of 1968.  

Thoughts and prayers.  Thoughts and prayers. Moment of silence.  Thoughts and prayers.  

But, God bless America, at least we still have our guns.  

Thoughts and prayers.  Thoughts and prayers.  Moment of silence.  Thoughts and prayers.  

And that’s all we in America are going to do about it: think, pray, and remain silent.  Silent, like the darkness of a sealed tomb.

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