01 October 2016

The Evil of Two Lessers (Ungagged 4)

My section of Ungagged 4: The Zarjaz Spirit of Independence and Rebellion.

Here is the link to the entire podcast:

Here is the text of my segment:

If the U.S. election for President this year were limited to the candidates of the two so-called major parties, the choice before American voters would be between sugar-coated shite and fudge-covered feces. 

I’ve been rather impressed, but not surprised by, the level of uniform screechiness from the supporters of the Clinton camp this election attempting to bully, scare, and otherwise intimidate progressives into falling in line behind a candidate they detest.  America hasn’t witnessed such a unified chorus echoing mindless insincere self-serving obsequieous crap since the Manson Family appeared in court.  This is a cycle that has been repeating every four years for over three-and-a-half decades.

In 1980, they told us, ‘Yeah, we know about Carter, but we have to keep Reagan out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 1984, they told us, ‘Yeah, we know about Mondale, but we have to get Reagan out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 1988, they told us, ‘Yeah, we know about Dukakis, but we have to keep Bush out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 1992, they told us, “Yeah, we know about Clinton, but we have to get Bush out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

1n 1996, they told us, ‘Yeah, we still know about Clinton, but we have to keep Dole out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 2000, they told us, ‘Yeah, we know about Gore, but we have to keep Bush out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 2004, they told us, ‘Yeah, we know about Kerry, but we have to get Bush out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 2008, they told us, ‘Yeah, we know about Obama, but we have to keep McCain and Palin out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

In 2012, they told us, ‘Yeah, we still know about Obama, but we have to keep Romney and his healthcare plan out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

Now, in 2016, they tell us, ‘Yeah, we know about Clinton, but we have to keep Trump out of the White House.  Maybe next time we can have real change’.

Bernie the Sheepherder, currently appearing beside the woman who cheated him out of the nomination and in doing so robbed his supporters of their votes, tells us we have to vote for the Goldwater Girl because we have to defeat Trump, and in the meantime be grateful from the scraps tossed to us from the table.  It’s the equivalent of telling us, ‘Yeah, we know about Hitler/Stalin, but we have to keep Stalin/Hitler out of power’.

For socialists and other progressives and leftists, there is no such thing as a greater and lesser evil looking at these two candidates.  The difference is not one of greater or lesser evil but of ordered evil, in the case of Clinton, versus chaotic evil, in the case of Trump.  The level of evil is equal in measure and banality, the only difference is in coherence.

One of the points Bill pressed over and over again during the 1992 was that electing him would get us a two-for-one, because Hillary would be his equal partner.  And she was, every step of the way, in every disastrous consequence for poor people and Afro-Americans.  The Clinton administration was unquestionably the most racist since Woodrow Wilson’s and the most viciously anti-poor since Herbert Hoover’s, turning the War on Poverty into the War on the Poor and setting civil rights back decades.

To give you a picture of who the Clintons are, hear this.  Just before the Super Tuesday primaries in 1992, on 10 March, Bill Clinton announced his “get tough on crime” initiative, always a favorite of his target audience since Barry Goldwater’s campaign proclaimed “You Know You Agree With Him”.  To make clear to whom his remarks were aimed, Bill held this charade at Stone Mountain, Georgia, birthplace in 1915 of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, with un-Reconstructed Dixiecrats Zell Miller and Sam Nunn flanking him and ranks of almost all black prisoners behind him as background while Jeff Davis, Robert E. Lee, and Stonewall Jackson carved in stone looked down on the proceedings with approval.

As for Hillary, rap singer and political activist Sister Souljah wrote during an interview Daniel D’Addario in November 2015 that, “She reminds me too much of the slave plantation white wife of the white ‘Master.’  She talks down to people, is condescending and pandering”.

The entire legislative agenda of the Clintons and their congressional allies, including the current Vice President, by the way, severely and deliberately sliced away at the rights, protections, and opportunities of Afro-Americans and poor and working people on the one hand, and set free Corporate America to rob, plunder, and pillage with impunity on the other, setting up the world economy for the crash in 2007 and the Great Recession from which we still have not yet recovered.  The result of this is desperate, resentful, angry people here turning to someone like Trump, about whose own deficiencies most Scots are too well aware, and people in Europe too often turning to their own corollaries while the Labour Party in UK, Socialist Party in France, Social Democrats in Germany, etc., tell people they need to sacrifice more, just like the Democratic Party in the USA.

As Calgacus said of the Romans, “A rich enemy excites their avarice, a poor one their ambition.  To robbery, murder, and plunder, they give the lying name of government; they create a wasteland and call it peace”.

The Democratic Party establishment of the 21st century may call themselves the “New Democrats”, but what they really are is the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in white tuxedoes instead of white sheets.

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